This topic is centered pve wise, specifically erahab farming. And I know this will get a lot of hate from mage mains, but this has to be said.

If the purpose of the buff on rahab is to get all classes to work together in that portal, then sad to say it didn’t work.

I am a very decent warrior. I built my character like a rogue with 100% crit chance and 85% crit dmg and I am only able to do 50% of lb orrick hp in 27 secs with my best combo and full damage elixir (after lb buff). I used to be able to melt erahab hp full health without redline, now with my best combo and full dmg elixir, I can only do 30-35% hp of erahab. (Rogues are almost the same)

Mages can do 4 secs solo lb orrick. That’s phase 1 done erahab now easily for them solo wise with hyperos proc and curse skill.

What’s the point of playing warrior class if mage can be tanky and do more damage? The class discrimination worsened after this update. Most of my warrior friends are planning on switching if catacomb arrives and warriors are not needed. Hell some already left the game already.

The only thing good about this update is that it fixed the gold exploit farm that some players are abusing in rahab and is causing inflation, but overall, this is some sloppy work from sts.

Edit: Now the best place to farm gold I heard is elite sanc and sunken or zodias gauntlet. Normal rahab is old erahab hp with worse gl drops.