Level 81 Arcane Loot in Arcane Catacombs
Stash-friendly but not trade-friendly
In addition to LB badges and animated Titles, Vanity items and good gold we planned to offer stash-friendly (but not trade-friendly) Kraken and Kraken-equivalent gear.
This includes Kraken Armor and Helmets, and an array of Level 81 Arcane belts, rings, necklaces, artifacts and weapon loot with slightly different stats but same procs.
Several players complained about this and asked us to remove these rewards citing reasons:
If you need 'best gear' then why award bound 'best gear?' Players will just stash their Kraken stuff to run on their alts.
There's also the point that players who are trying to sell trade-friendly Kraken gears potentially will see less profit because buyers can loot equivalent stuff from Arcane Catacombs.
On the other hand there are players that might really want another set of Kraken(equivalent) weapons, bound Kraken Armor and Helmet, and Arcane Accessories for their alts.
I could go either way on this so I'd like to know what you think.
Poll will close in a couple of days.
Best wishes!!