Many quit due to these issue and our guild just closed. Ty dev.
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Many quit due to these issue and our guild just closed. Ty dev.
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What issue are you referring to ?
Arcane legends is not all about farming gold what a silly reason to quit
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what do you mean? it's hard to farming or too easy to farming?
I think it’s quite clear what he meant , too many nerfs to gold loot over the time and new catacombs also having very less gold considering how long it takes and how difficult it is .
Terrible gold farming? Come on. U can do rahakbor and get a lot of gold, basically in no time.
Farming gold was hard on deep marsh or vardan valley. The time u had to spent there in order to loot gold. Running whole map in deep marsh or clearing waves of mobs in evg.
Now gold farming is relatively easy in my opinion compared to back days. When I basically entered rahakbor, I was pretty surprised how much i'm getting with no effort at all.
Wysłane z mojego RMX3363 przy użyciu Tapatalka
let's let the sts do the right thing to reduce the accumulated gold in the game, and let them adjust when it's not enough, so the goldfarming event is gone because of the high amount of gold in game, only the sts know how long the nerf gold loot and buffs to the health of the arcane legends boss will last
With catacombs open people are getting more gold now faster. Constantly running zodias maps and portals to gather fathoms. Rahabkor is now open every 2 days before catacombs it was every 4ish. The gold loot in the game is fine. People complain about kraken prices but either forget or weren't around when a zaarus set was over 100m gold to obtain
The problem is that they made this game *wayy* too easy and are fixing it at the wrong time. They needed to wait for next expansion for a lot of new-player unfriendly changes and they didn't.
You try playing or farming with 25 Inventory and crafting Inventory.
I think it's simply a jaded feeling that players get from devs "making game harder" again (they aren't, it's simply more frustrating and time consuming than this game was 3-4 months ago)
And they don't like feeling "held back" from the rest of the playerbase.
Which is also ironic, cuz most of these players are holding someone back every time they join a normals Rahabkor run
Expecting to be carried is one thing. Expect to be carried in no time at all??
Lol perhaps this game got too carried away with spoon feeding players just so they'd make a plat purchase.
Not sure how it isn't obvious that these are the exact type of players to complain when they have their reward(s) taken away.
I had my inventory slots barred off for me and I'm currently and permanently gatekept from ever being able to play this game correctly, when 95% of this playerbase received these things for (quite literally) 30000% less.
I will complain about this inequality every day if I have to.
I no longer play this game daily anymore cuz of these changes.
It's not fun to farm on a full inventory and they strategically placed 2x events that just *fill* your inventory with eggs/vanities while removing my ability to do anything about it. Being or feeling powerless in a game is a useless waste of time.
What are you taking about man? They won't do the right thing. They are STS
They will implement a bad change, mess up again, and then start a forum feedback thread about it 3 months later after 500+ players have already quit and are no longer keeping up with forums.
Edit: sorry for being mean STS but what did y'all expect? You nerfed plat store 2 days after I bought some for the *first time* using quit a bit (to me) of real world $$. That hurt.
I wouldn't have invested if I didn't love this game. Same with getting mad.
Just don't defraud any more players and we can achieve some Harmony![]()
Last edited by Arkauna99; 07-27-2023 at 08:25 AM. Reason: sorry STS
IT doesnt matter if they even wanted to do. How would they do IT? Bc i have no clue. Rob players from gold? Or what. Only thing I could think of is raising taxes for posting items in auc. But ITs not gonna do much with these gold farming players. Its already too late for things Like that I think.
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It's gonna take next expansion bro. All these problems are solvable, they are just letting inflation do its job rn, milking players if their plats together with store changes
Next expansion I would assume is better. Why? This one is fantastic.
The level of detail put into the roadmap, the zone (s), the portals being somewhat balanced even after a full year of expansion.... I join this game this Spring . It was better when I started lol.
But I quickly found some favorite farming methods, and I have to say my favorite zones are Underhul and Zodias by far.
To compare, just do a quick Ashral Tower run (old end game) and compare the difference.
If there's anything to "fix" for next expansion it's the economy and for the sake of this game's playerbase I hope they do so.
Becuz this game is otherwise hands down *fantastic* and before store changes I would even say #1 game on the market.
Rn it is not and Catacombs aren't really helping.
If next expansion is shown the same time love and attention this game could have a huge revival... And of course all of these players would have to pay real $$$ to play now cuz of store changes hehe. They better make it worth it!
Tbh I don’t think inflation is a bad , it keeps the economy moving and preventing players from not spending their gold and going inactive .
The problem with inflation is coz of the disparity between the newer and max lvl players . The game didn’t get balanced well after the release of gold loot awakes , what they actually need to do is increase the gold at starting levels of the game , for example : if an end game map gives 100k a minute , a beginner should be able to get at least 10-20k per minute , idk how they could achieve it ,there are many paths that can be taken .
I truly know that inflation is not harmful if income increases evenly in a proper manner.
With the increase in gold at lower levels prices of potions , energy kits crafting and various other crafting costs can also be increased for better gold sink
They should make all gold loot maps active. If you are lvl 68-71. U should get a better amount of gold from dm than a lvl 72+.
If you are lvl 72-76. U should get the same amount of gold loot in a elite vardan map.
If this might ever apply we will never see prices of arcanes released during the previous expansion dropping so bad and being almost useless at the max lvl.
I dont really understand why you want a dead game rather than having more activity and more potential customers.
I do remember when a mythic piece (lvl 81) was 100m now is 600k. I dont really know how should i afford gear if every 6 months something way better is released? How i can keep up if i cant make gold? Cause prices even now are too op of arcanes.
If they don't want to buff gold farm I hope they make an event with nice gold drop once or twice a year like the carnaval event.. Jarl is good too.
Tbh if they actually want to bring back the right balance rn they should buff every maps gold drop to 1000% and remove gold loot completely from the game, but they should announce that way before they do it , gold loot is just the most pay to win part of the game imo and the part that’s responsible for destroying the economy .
I myself have a pretty good gold loot set and I won’t be that upset if they do it, coz everyone knows gold loot is pretty broken and unfair rn , some compensation could also be given to the people with great gl awakes [Maybe elite awakes based on what awakening they have]
But if they don’t want to remove gold loot completely, they atleast need to address the disparity between new and max level players , it should be atleast be a 1:5 or a 1:10 gold drop difference rather than a 1:1000 difference .
Instead of forcing players to buy a gold loot set first , they could better pursue players to buying gears which actually increases their stats and powers in the game and actually requires some skill , rather than some passive gear which magically increases your gold and gives you an unfair advantage over those who don’t have it is just lame and imbalanced imo.
That's not gonna happen. What about players who spent even billions on GL items? Even what about those WHO sent even 100m on GL items.
They are not gonna make smth like that bc majority of players would be so pissed of that they would prob even leave game.
AL already is losing a lot of players they wont risk dangerous updates Like this.
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Gimme a better idea to balance the game at the lower levels or for newbies then , people will surely have to adjust , the game would become much more playable and active , surely might see some rage from players for a short period from who own op gl sets , they can compensate players with elite awakening gems based on their awakes as I said .