Please bring back slots that can be purchased with tokens.

and dont overprice them...

300 glint coins for 25 inventory slots
75 orc tags for 25 inventory slots
70 story tokens for 5 auction slots
120 story tokens for 1 character slot

these are the common ones i used and would love to get them back...
buying with plat really does not work
and then there the insanely overpriced event token purchased slots.... 5000 token for 'ONE' bound inventory slot???
Atleast make it reasonable? 5000 tokens for 25 inventory slots is great, or 5000 tokens for 20 inventory slots...
5000 tokens for 1 inventory slot is just severely overpriced.
10000 tokens for 1 crafting slot is great or if you are generous then 7500 tokens for 1 crafting slot. but the crafting slots are not found in the vendor...
only crafting inventory slots for the insane price of 5000 for 1 craft inventory slot...

who would even purchase that??