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Thread: Guide to awakening and enchanting gear

  1. #1
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Default Guide to awakening and enchanting gear

    What is Awakening and Enchantments on Gear?

    There are two npc in different townes that allow you to firstly awaken and then enchant equipment.

    • Augey the Awakener in The Shadow Cave towne.
    • Alfie the Awakener in The Planet Ok’Tal towne.

    Awakening an item allow you to add enchantments to them, this increases stats on each item to make them more powerful.

    Additional enchantments include added:
    - Str, Dex and Int
    - Crit %
    - Dodge %
    - Damage
    - Health
    - Armor
    - Str
    - Dex
    - Int
    - H/s
    - M/s
    - Gold loot %

    Equipment that can be awakened are weapon, armor, shield, ring and amulet. Depending on the level of the item, the higher the level the more slots are allowed to add additional enchantments.

    The maximum number of slots is;
    • two on each Legendary item
    • three on each Elite item
    • four on each Mythic item
    • four on each Arcane item

    Justg made a detailed thread about awakening.


    You need to be level 50 in order to awaken equipment.

    Go to The Shadow Caves towne and talk to the npc Augey the Awakener.

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    Get the quest : The Awakening

    The fastest map to complete this quest is in The Shadow Caves : map 5 - Shadow Cave V.

    You kill the shadow monsters and are required to recover Augey's awakening tools from the shadow caves. The drop is a random drop and you need just ten.

    Once completed the quest hand it in back with Augey the Awakener in The Shadow Caves towne.

    He will then give you the ability to awaken items.

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    It costs 10 platinum per item to awaken.

    Discounts to Awakening and Enchanting

    Use a Gold Master Key Kit (for big discounts in awakening and enchanting, 30 mins elixir, timer runs out as soon as you open it)
    Gold Realm key kit lasts for 5 minutes
    Silver and Bronze keys give discounts as well but are lower respectively according to the tier. Gold keys are best

    To be safe ensure you have at least 30 million gold for each item you wish to fully enchant, and enchant 4 to 5 items at once to make use of the master and realm keys for ultimate discounts

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    Once items are awakened with platinum you can enchant them.

    10 platinum (roll premium stats)
    10,000 Gold (roll standard stats)

    Cost to enchant

    4 slots unlocked - 10k gold or 10 platinum
    3 slots unlocked, 1 slot locked - 35k gold or 35 platinum
    2 slots unlocked, 2 slots locked - 60k gold or 60 platinum
    1 slot unlocked, 3 slots locked - 85k gold or 85 platinum

    Again a reminder for discounts use:

    Gold Master Key Kit (30 mins elixir) - highest discounts
    Gold Realm key kit (5 mins elixir)

    Silver Master Key Kit (30 mins elixir) - medium discounts
    Silver Realm key kit (5 mins elixir)

    Bronze Master Key Kit (30 mins elixir) - lowest discounts
    Bronze Realm key kit (5 mins elixir)

    Secret to enchanting
    (for cheaper gold) big thanks to Kryste, Babygirlelena for teaching me

    Make sure you craft the gear first before you awaken and enchant, because after crafted the items is renewed and a new item and you will loose all enchantments.

    First thing you do is, unlock all slots with PL gold.
    Ensure you open up all slots first before you lock any enchantments.

    You can view each equipment type and the "List of Enchantments" that can be rerolled for each item.

    If you look at the rerolls there is a pattern to them.

    Then know what enchantments you want for each slot.
    Use PL gold to reroll.
    When you reroll and hit that specific enchantment for example health (for armor).
    Log out of the enchanting screen
    And go back in.
    To reroll again till you hit a health enchantment again.
    This way the system refreshes faster for the enchantment you desire.
    Keep repeating that, and you will use less gold to get maximum enchantments

    Best enchantments for each slot

    Use PL gold to unlock all slots first
    Arcane 4 slots
    Mythic 4 slots
    Elite 3 slots
    Legendary 2 slots

    Use PL gold to reroll, every item will get maximum enchantments using PL gold all except

    the Armor
    PL gold will give you 80% of enchantments
    Platinum will give you 100% of enchantmets

    For farming
    There are two types of sets:


    (can not be enchanted)

    Weapon 1 hand
    (50 damage)
    Weapon 2 hand
    (75 damage)

    (500 Health - using platinum to reroll)
    (400 Health - using gold to reroll)
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    (50 Health)

    (50 Damage)

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    (50 Health)

    Damage Arcane/Mythic set recommendations

    Weapon 1 hand = 50 damage x 4
    Weapon 2 hand = 75 damage x 4
    Armor = 500 Health x 4 (using platinum to reroll) or 400 Health x 4 (using gold to reroll)
    Shield = 50 Health x 4
    Ring = 50 Damage x 4
    Amulet = 50 Health x 4

    Gold Loot

    (15% Gold Loot)

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    (100% Gold loot)

    Gold loot Arcane/Mythic set recommendations

    Ring = 15% Gold Loot x 4
    Amulet = 100% Gold loot x 4

    Locking slots

    When you enchant you aim to get the maximum enchant for each slot.

    For example : Mythic's Heroic Leather Jerkin
    It is an armor and using gold to reroll the maximum is 400 health each slot.

    When you enchant and get 400 health if you tap the slot it goes red. That means you will not lose the enchantment when you reroll.

    Each time you lock a slot the cost of reroll goes up in gold and Platinum. The more slots you lock the more it costs to reroll.

    It is important to only lock slots at maximum enchantments or the cost of reroll is pricey and you will not have a perfectly enchanted item

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    Last edited by Fwend; 11-17-2023 at 03:07 AM.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

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  3. #2
    Junior Member Astrofish's Avatar
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    Very informative guide. +1 to you.

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    I appreciate the feedback, may I ask what is your Ign? And do add me on game I'm Sunflwershine. I'll be more than happy to answer any further questions you may have regarding enchantments.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

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  7. #4
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    very informative ty for the guide sunflowers hine

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