DISCLAIMER: I am no CTF-pro. This thread does not contain tips, builds or others. Threads have been made on those. This is purely about the CTF map, terms we use, and the basic things.
This is the first CTF map we've ever had since Dark Legends started. This thread is about the basics of the this CTF map/arena, the things we can use, words we oftenly say. The reason why I am making this thread is because I have experienced saying a CTF term, and yet, my team mates don't understand what I have said, like when I say, "CLOSE Gates" and they will say, "Which gates?". But I cannot really blame them. I, myself, have no idea about those, I just hear others say terms and observe what others will do.
I will be updating this thread about the new CTF maps, hopefully, if new ones will be added in the future and new terms and other basics regarding DL CTF.
CTF Objective: From the meaning of the acronym itself, CAPTURE THE FLAG, mates!
1. The RED Flag: Blue team goes after this. Sheesh. When did Blue Team go after Blue Flag?From where you have spawned, travel to the very end of the arena, and go to the middle area, where you can enter a room, that's where your enemies' flag is. But be careful, there may be defenders for the flag right in that room. Suit up!
2. The BLUE Flag: Oh well, Red team goes after this.
3. The Speed Boost: Looks like a shoe or a foot with wings to me. Lol. This can be found in the spawn area of both teams, both sides.
4. The Heart: This will replenish players' health. This can be found in the middle part of the arena: middle-left, middle-right and middle-middle.
5. The Prestigious Gate and the SWITCH: This can be found on your base, be it your own base, or your enemies' base.
When the light on the switch is green, the gate is still open like the one in the picture below.
Now, touch that switch, it will turn red, it means, you have closed the gate which leads to your flag.
6.*The Windows- Aside from the gates, these windows can be strategically used to damage enemies. This can be found at the left and right sides of the CTF arena, both top and bottom portions, near the spawn areas. Just please do NOT abuse the windows. Like Christmas lights ticking on and off. Lmao.
Switch is green, windows are still closed.
Touch that switch, it will turn red, and windows will be opened. You can use this to damage enemies passing by those windows. We, vamps, are allergic to sunlight, yes? But be careful, this windows can be used against you. You can be killed instantly just by passing.
7.*Zombies: Zombies spawn in the middle area of the arena, from these gates; one gate depicted below. Focus on the square gate-like area on the wall, close to the lamp. Zombies do not spawn at the very start of the game. It takes time before they actually appear and puke on you all over. Lol. By that observation, I can judge that it is best to go for the flag during the very start of the game and pass by the middle to easily go back to your base. You can also use zombies to lure enemies who have been tracking you or stalking you. Lol.
Terms heard and used:
BASE!: Go to your base immediately. Enemies hava taken your flag. To the rescue!
BASE 2 or BASE 3!: The formula for yelling: BASE (the number of enemies invading your very private base. You tried to stop them, but you failed. You say this to indicate or warn about the number of enemies at your base.
THEIR BASE!: Attempts to annihilate enemies at your own base were unsuccessful. Enemies, with your flag have escaped to their base! Oh noooo! Still, to the rescue!
MID: Two purposes. Either, your enemies with your team's flag are already in the mid-part of the arena. This is bad. On the bright side, it may also indicate your location when you try to steal the enemies' flag. If you yell MID, congratulations! You are already in the mid-portion of the arena, trying to ask for help from your team mates. And then, HOME RUN!
LEFT: If you wanna be specific about your enemies' location, you can use this. But be aware also that this may mean left from their base, or left from your base. Hence, you can say, "left from their base or left from our base".
RIGHT: Same as the one above. Right from our base or right from their base.
CATCH: Unfortunately, after long minutes of fighting, you failed to steal some hearts. You died, broken-hearted.That's when you ask your nearest team mate to catch the flag for you when you die. And as you respawn, you hope and pray that it will be a "nice catch".
INCOMING: There are players tryna invade your private base.
INCOMING ETA _ seconds: LOL. Heard this once. There is a specified time of arrival of the enemies at your base. Haha.
BACKUP: Help your mates! Yes, he/she is carrying the flag.
*FLAG OUT!: Enemy has your flag
*CLEAR THE BASE!: (by carrier mostly) It means an enemy or a couple of em are camping your flag room waiting to close the gate on your carrier
*TAKE!: either a gesture of courtesy (heart or speed boost)
or communication between flag runners on who carries the goods.
*SPOT!: When you have no clue where the flag is. Maybe someone would help you locate the goods.
*1. STRATEGICAL: a team/guild who aims to win as many matches as possible. When they stack against you, it's not because they hate you.. okay? alright? good.
*a) Objective driven: Relentlessly goes for the flag
*b) Objective driven-ish - Tries for the flag but is there for the actual Player vs Player
*2. STATISTICAL: Players who try to get all the kills while trying to avoid getting killed at the same time. (If you see them leave a match then join back 3 seconds later.. You know why You're welcome.) Often take runes even if they don't need it (heart, speedboost) AKA Farmers
*3. Category yet to be named: New players figuring out which role to play in CTF. They make 'rookie mistakes' Don't get mad or at least try not to. They'll figure it out.
Be careful when you use these terms. Look after each other. Sacrifice for the flag.
I am no believer of KS (Kill-Steal). This is a team game.
And now, a picture of YOU carrying the flag.
GG buddies! I will be adding some terms soon.
Tell me if I forgot something. Or correct me if I am wrong.
*These are all contributed by Vidarr666. Thank you buddy for this!
Dates Edited:
10/16/12 Added CTF Terms
10/17/12 Added Vidarr's suggestions, added some more photos
10/20/12 Added a note on Thren's suggestions
1. If you still insist on looking for builds, here is the link to Chilango's very helpful and detailed thread on PVP build in DL:
2. Thren suggested more terms below. Please view her reply. Reply #18![]()