Quote Originally Posted by Darkterror View Post
We just need to keep climbing. New comers can get their ring and veterans just keep getting stuff too...you know....I see players investing money on 76 toons and get dissapponted at the end because they just barely have a chance against ringed players....Unless they get savage and like 50% of people use it lol, even taking all bonuses off wont be considered. even that EGG thing is stronger than founder+the best ring. And they only did ONE cap to obtain it. The game must recive a cap in order to solve this issue or take all bonus off and remplace for a nice looking sparcle.
Honestly, I would agree with this, and I even have a founder + 3pc ring. Why? To keep the game fair, really (and to please the community. I know If I didn't have the helm/ring I'd be a bit disappointed). BUT in return the gear would have to be balanced... I think the only thing keeping me a top-notch INT mage is my founder + 3 pc at times...

That being said, I still don't want the 3pc and founder going to waste. I like the stats now, but I'd be happy with an alternative.