Not sure if anyone else noticed, but the stats on these new items are not so much better than humania stuff. Kind of like how fang gear was only marginally better than glyph so that many end gamers at lvl66 were still wearing glyph/demonic sets. Seems like they are going that route again. I haven't seen the lvl75 crafted gear yet obviously, but so far it seems that the sand walker crusher/drum set would still be the best tank set. I guess it will all depend on set bonuses though.

Another observation: it seems that STS has decided to just do one set of helms/armors and then offer 2 different weapon/shield combinations for each class (3 for mages). No more debating which group of items will make the set (humanian or humanity, orlok or of the dead, mimicry or obedience, etc.). With just one group of items, everyone can be sure they aren't throwing their gold away.