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Thread: Any PVP Guilds or people doing lvl 86 honor legitamently?

  1. #1
    Forum Adept OdenTheJust's Avatar
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    Default Any PVP Guilds or people doing lvl 86 honor legitamently?

    Hello all, I want to get my PVP achievements done. The problem, the only way people are currently doing these aps gets you banned...
    I was wondering if there is a guild out there that exclusively exists to help people get pvp achievements done the correct way? If anyone has any information regarding this please let me know. I intentionally posted this here and not in pvp thread because it would reach a broader audience other than just pvp thread(Because I believe no one looks in PVP thread).
    Last edited by OdenTheJust; 12-04-2023 at 07:13 PM.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Candylicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdenTheJust View Post
    Hello all, I want to get my PVP achievements done. The problem, the only way people are currently doing these aps gets you banned...
    I was wondering if there is a guild out there that exclusively exists to help people get pvp achievements done the correct way? If anyone has any information regarding this please let me know. I intentionally posted this here and not in pvp thread because it would reach a broader audience other than just pvp thread(Because I believe no one looks in PVP thread).
    I run an AP server and we can try to organize some legit matches. Many of us are in the same position, want to achieve the PvP achievements but it’s dead at cap level.

    The problem is frustrating and hope StS considers removing these APs in the future.

    Send me a PM with your disc and I can add you to the AP server.

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