Quote Originally Posted by Kakashis View Post
I think it's nice. This way either you farm hard in the game and run non stop, or you're farming hard in real life and contributing back into the game with your wallet and still winning. Everyone wins when the servers have no monthly fees!
point is controversial because I can guarantee you tapping buy plat and spamming open crate is fairly much more easier to to play lb top 5 than actually running the event. Most of the ppl who currently top 5 lb spend most of their time opening locks. The funniest part is they spend plat, open locks get op gear from those locks sell for gold, buy more plat eggs or locks and keep the cycle going. Meanwhile everyone else has waste time farming energy for hours, spend time crafting that energy into kits 25 at a time, and run the event non stop. I know people who spend entire 1st week farming energy and crafting energy x999 and still struggle to play top 25.

I believe that if you spend in a game that you should be rewarded but what's the point of having a competitive event in a 'free to play action rpg' game if spending is the competition?

People already complained about not having time to compete for events when 1-2-3 week resets where not a thing yet. sts completely reworked events to address that specific issue to give everyone a fair chance, now people still complain about not having time to run for events.