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Thread: Please look lb mage

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    Default Please look lb mage

    First guy feom current lb mage, he farmed 32k points in just few minutes. How others can compete with it?

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    If you can't keep up, you shouldn't run.

    Big snappa

    Sent from my SM-F936U using Tapatalk

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    Banned Raritys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonedchicked View Post
    If you can't keep up, you shouldn't run.

    Big snappa

    Sent from my SM-F936U using Tapatalk
    I think he’s talking about the fact that he got there with locked crates instead of, actually running

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    I think STS would actually appreciate him buying all those locks.

    He must have spent 25k+ plat for it.

    Pay to win is good for sts

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    Stupid post.
    I think it's a good thing
    Unlike most of the players, I have a job that occupies most my time. So LB was never an option.
    To have an opportunity to spend , and get that. Is great
    Only ran 200 or so
    And at 3rd.

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk

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    Quote Originally Posted by Straef View Post
    Stupid post.
    I think it's a good thing
    Unlike most of the players, I have a job that occupies most my time. So LB was never an option.
    To have an opportunity to spend , and get that. Is great
    Only ran 200 or so
    And at 3rd.

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk
    The man himself is here xD

    good luck bro, gj on lb

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    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    The man himself is here xD

    good luck bro, gj on lb
    Thanks mah maaan

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk

  11. #8
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    I think it's nice. This way either you farm hard in the game and run non stop, or you're farming hard in real life and contributing back into the game with your wallet and still winning. Everyone wins when the servers have no monthly fees!
    IGN: Kakashi <-Therapy-> -I am PVE!

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    We might as well remove event maps from every event now since opening chest gives points, what the actual plat in the hell is going on smh

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    Sts should just allow people to buy lb crap with plat , hahaha

  16. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undershooting View Post
    We might as well remove event maps from every event now since opening chest gives points, what the actual plat in the hell is going on smh
    Well , going to winter lb doesn’t really require any skill , just requires dead levels of farming & spamming skills for hours on end , I think it’s a good thing , sts will get a proper way of monetizing and at the end it will be better for all players !
    Last edited by Itzmemohsin; 12-16-2023 at 12:18 AM.

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    i do think its okay to pay for points. The ones who spend getting a reward and the developers get their payment too.
    But when it comes to lb, thats a no for me.

    "If you're the competitive type, run for your spot on the Winter Event leaderboards" , this is the sentence under the leaderboard rewards heading of the preview post

    If buying locks is gonna give these spots, then might as well remove the lb. just be plat tier and buy the event leaderboard lb vanities with plat. Or better, if they want competition on who can spend more, then set a total locks/massive opened count list and the first few people with leading numbers can get the reward. Would be an appreciation for the players spending the plats. Wont need the lb for the f2p players.
    Winter would be the plat users event where f2p players just chill after getting plat tier rewards

  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    i do think its okay to pay for points. The ones who spend getting a reward and the developers get their payment too.
    But when it comes to lb, thats a no for me.

    "If you're the competitive type, run for your spot on the Winter Event leaderboards" , this is the sentence under the leaderboard rewards heading of the preview post

    If buying locks is gonna give these spots, then might as well remove the lb. just be plat tier and buy the event leaderboard lb vanities with plat. Or better, if they want competition on who can spend more, then set a total locks/massive opened count list and the first few people with leading numbers can get the reward. Would be an appreciation for the players spending the plats. Wont need the lb for the f2p players.
    Winter would be the plat users event where f2p players just chill after getting plat tier rewards
    Well I think you are forgetting about that fact that farming tokens and crafting winter locks atleast seems a bit worthy this time , removing leaderboard and putting and upfront cost on those vanities would work no where near as well as this .

    And after a second though I think , it's completely fair actually rn as platinum to crate key conversion rate has been changed to 1:1 , either buy crate keys with gold or spend platinum it's your choice and you can continue grinding event points to avoid having to pay an insane price , it isn't bad at all imo .

  20. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itzmemohsin View Post
    Well I think you are forgetting about that fact that farming tokens and crafting winter locks atleast seems a bit worthy this time , removing leaderboard and putting and upfront cost on those vanities would work no where near as well as this .

    And after a second though I think , it's completely fair actually rn as platinum to crate key conversion rate has been changed to 1:1 , either buy crate keys with gold or spend platinum it's your choice and you can continue grinding event points to avoid having to pay an insane price , it isn't bad at all imo .
    And moreover leaderboard was never free of any costs you had to buy energy kits with platinum or gold to save time , it's your choice to decide if you want to buy energy kits and farm the event or choose the more expensive but less time consuming route which is buying crate keys with gold [as it's a 1:1 conversion now] or paying for platinum and opening locks .

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    To give an option to use crates to get the event points is a huge decision, and it should have been asked in a poll in game or in forum where everyone can vote for it. So we know what everyone thinks about leaderboards.

    LB is be something which needs players running the event map specially designed for the purpose of giving event points by using energy for entrance(purchased with plat or gold or crafting 25 for 1k gold each in 1 hour time), gold for elixers, time(atleast 15+ hours per day) to get 100k points

    If devs wanted to add an option to stay at vendor buying crate to get 100k points in 10-20 minutes with 40k plats, it should have been polled beforehand. Not casually mentioned in the preview post as a "Whats new this year" point.

    If plat buyers want the lb rewards, they could very well buy it from the lb winners since the rewards were made tradable. They wont be lacking gold, if they have 200k plat at hand.

    Imagine seeing a f2p player using gold for kits running the whole week, getting beaten last hour when someone chooses to spend 200k plats on locks for 500k points. Sounds wild to me, but could very well happen with this system. What happens to the time wasted in game running for hours. Sure, the plat buyer got something worthy for the amount he spent, what happens to the time spent by the f2p player...

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    Default Please look lb mage

    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    To give an option to use crates to get the event points is a huge decision, and it should have been asked in a poll in game or in forum where everyone can vote for it. So we know what everyone thinks about leaderboards.

    LB is be something which needs players running the event map specially designed for the purpose of giving event points by using energy for entrance(purchased with plat or gold or crafting 25 for 1k gold each in 1 hour time), gold for elixers, time(atleast 15+ hours per day) to get 100k points

    If devs wanted to add an option to stay at vendor buying crate to get 100k points in 10-20 minutes with 40k plats, it should have been polled beforehand. Not casually mentioned in the preview post as a "Whats new this year" point.

    If plat buyers want the lb rewards, they could very well buy it from the lb winners since the rewards were made tradable. They wont be lacking gold, if they have 200k plat at hand.

    Imagine seeing a f2p player using gold for kits running the whole week, getting beaten last hour when someone chooses to spend 200k plats on locks for 500k points. Sounds wild to me, but could very well happen with this system. What happens to the time wasted in game running for hours. Sure, the plat buyer got something worthy for the amount he spent, what happens to the time spent by the f2p player...
    Bruh it’s a 1:1 conversion for crate keys now so even the f2p players can buy crate keys and open locks , either spend gold or plat it’s literally the same conversion rate for everyone , and anyways lb was never possible without spending 100s of millions on buying energy kits !

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    i do agree its a 1:1 conversion. i have no issue with it.

    Its the 'play the game for 90 hours to get the reward' or 'pay the plat(or plat to gold conversion get the keys and buy the locks for gold/plat) for a max of 90 mins and get the reward' that baffles me

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    I just calculated the 1:1 conversion of plat to crate key.
    50 plat is 50 crate key, lets say 5m per 50 crate key.
    200k plat = 20,000,000,000gold

    GL with it who ever is trying to buy crate keys for gold and then buy locks for gold again and open them for lb points

    I think someone who is a non-plat buyer would go for running the event with 1.5b - 2b gold than spending 20b+ on crate keys(dont forget the gold to buy locks, locks from vendor are only for plats) for a vanity

    Even plat buyers would go for crate key sale. But here we do have some buying locked crates for event points.

    When a plat buyer chooses to get lb with crates, it can be done in 1hour or lesser when there are people running the same lb for 1 week

  25. #19
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    Default Please look lb mage

    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    I just calculated the 1:1 conversion of plat to crate key.
    50 plat is 50 crate key, lets say 5m per 50 crate key.
    200k plat = 20,000,000,000gold

    GL with it who ever is trying to buy crate keys for gold and then buy locks for gold again and open them for lb points

    I think someone who is a non-plat buyer would go for running the event with 1.2b-1.5b gold than spending 20b+ on crate keys(dont forget the gold to buy locks, locks from vendor are only for plats) for a vanity

    Even plat buyers would go for crate key sale. But here we do have some buying locked crates for event points.

    When a plat buyer chooses to get lb with crates, it can be done in 1hour or lesser when there are people running the same lb for 1 week
    Bruh if someone can spend 200k platinum he literally also could convert that 200k platinum to 20b gold anytime he wants , it’s his choice weather he wants to open locks for points or get 20b gold, if you ever think the higher lb tiers were meant for poor players then u are delusional , till now it was just a spamming contest where people would compete between who can continuously non stop spam skills for days on end on such an easy map that requires no skill / thinking , don’t pretend like some competition is being killed here .

    Moreover no one is forcing you to run lb , it’s a completely optional thing !

  26. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itzmemohsin View Post
    Bruh if someone can spend 200k platinum he literally also could convert that 200k platinum to 20b gold anytime he wants , it’s his choice weather he wants to open locks for points or get 20b gold
    you are agreeing to the same points as me.
    yes, he could make it 20b gold anytime or choose to open locks for lb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Itzmemohsin View Post
    if you ever think the higher lb tiers were meant for poor players then u are delusional
    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    I think someone who is a non-plat buyer would go for running the event with 1.5b - 2b gold
    i did say its for the ones who spend 1.5b-2b gold, if that is considered poor then we are not on the same page.
    But the 2b gold spent goes along with time spent. 1.5b gold + 80 to 90 hours of spamming buttons in game.

    spamming contest between who can continuously non stop spam skills for days on and on in an rpg game meant to spam skills for days on and on vs spamming contest where people spam locks(plats) from vendor for 10mins that requires no skill / thinking !

    lbs are for ones who spend plat and gold to RUN the event. Higher lb tiers were never meant for poor players who cant spend time and gold in game.

    Running lb is optional, the runner chooses to run the lb with his gold and time.

    Its the unlimited locks in vendor and points for those locks. There should be a time constraint for the unlimited locks and the decision about points from locks should have been voted by players of the game.

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