As much as I empathize with your complain, the game was already a heavily pay to win slot machine. If you weren't aware of that, I'm really sorry for you. The more serious you take this game, the more time and money you have to pay. I can't really blame them for making a good business out of people's craziness. Once you made your account you have accepted some terms of service, so you basically accepted to comply with their rules and the way they put things in place. You have 3 big options from there. 1. Stop playing and you basically solve all your problems. 2. Comply and understand this is a business after all and you are the customer. You eighter play casually or pay heavily. 3. You and the rest of the player base stop encouraging their monetization scheme by paying for their bs so they ll have to adapt them to stay relevant on the market. AS LONG as you, me and others will pay tens of thousands of dollars for bs, they will continue to do so. Again, not their fault if you ask me. So act accordingly.
Sorry i am not agree with you. I personally made my first purchase of 1750 plat when there is 40% plat offer back then and that is the only purchase i made with rl money. And i snowball the money i made from the plat (open locks). Now, i have roughly 2.5b in my account by running events and merch. So, what i would like to say is there is quite some way that you can do to earn money in the game. Not necessary to spend thousands of dollar, just need to be patient and some rng lucks in running event.
It was understandable for Easter event where people do Lb sitting in house, but just wanna make sure will all future lbs are going to be like this? Opening locked crates to gain event points ?
Iknow it's a win win situation for people who wanna invest in locked crates which will make them spend even more to loot gears , items from locked, and in the same time get top lb rewards.
I believe there's plenty of people who are still f2p on this game, and like to enjoy it that way,
But if all future lbs going to be like this, I would suggest to make Lb rewards to be bound again?
(P.S no hate for p2w player's)
Just a thought for f2p player's, who usually grind events and run LB for rewards.
What's the point of making events thenif people won't play it and can easily make Lb with $$
Might aswell just put a mini event in (store) for those players who spend maximum plats?
Or maybe a Monthly leaderboard with Op rewards for player's with most plat spent in a month? XD
Sounds great that way.
Drop your valuable opinions thanks much![]()
I never really pointed out any change of the sort recently, and didn't get bothered much, even though several changes made the game look more like pay to play. But honestly, this is pushing it.
This is openly saying that if you don't pay up you have no place on top leaderboards.
Actually in this scenario it isn't even about playing. People can literally get online, open up thousands of locks and get on the leaderboard.
How is it fair for people who actually played your game and wanted to get among the top players as a reward?
If this is not "pay to play". Then I don't know what is.
Even if you have something like "more locks opened = more gears availability" kind of win win situation in your mind, then please make special events where you provide points from locks.
No need to add it to your good old events. Because you're completely shutting down f2p players from progressing on leaderboards.
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Lb isn't pay2win , platinum to crate key conversion is 1:1 , if u ain't rich enough in game then it's ur fault , either buy plat or earn the gold to buy crate keys , everything is literally exactly the same as before you still need to spend time + gold / plat , but ye I do believe that there should be a daily cap to how many points can be earned through locks else it could lead to some pretty bad situations !
U know whats worse than that? The fact that these vanities (warrior) cost 15b, if u do all 3 week lbs (which some people are doing) u can have enough for yeti setD and whats even worse than that is that they can sell this vanity and fund for 500 upcoming events and repeat.. infinite gold, i vote to make rewards non tradeable.
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Definitely agree to bound lb rewards.
Why was lb sets even became tradeable I thought they are meant to be char bound ?
I got ban a week for this thread. Also in last 5 months they banned around 3-4 accounts, just because i make threads like this. And they never reply why they do such things. We understand they get points from locks, those who open, but the vanities must be bound. If a person run all 3 weeks he get at least 20-30b, and after noone would be able to compete with him. So what game we gonna have?
Sad, this thing is already in the game for so long. Every single event we get same runners. Noone new, just their alts.
I thing they work with devs, just to annoy people like they has a rare vanity, and we don t have. Like who has entire events free? They don t work? No family? Unlimited money in game? Who buy their lb rewards? So pretty sure developers gives them reedem codes with platinum, to run, or maybe developers has accounts in game and they get all good stuff for them, making let s just those rich accounts that exist in game.
Warrior got paid 2x rare vanities for the rare set.
That being said, the other sets only selling for 2->3b. (Rogue + mage).
I know this will probably get lost in the comments but sometimes when I’m home alone I like to go out in my garden and cover myself with dirt and pretend I’m a carrot.
Before you all get mad (too late for that haha) just remember that platinum buyers keep this game alive so that you can have hours upon hours of free entertainment, I'm not an LB runner nor I ever was one, but I think people who actually finance this game deserve things like these. The lb has been dominated for far too long by the same people who run 20 hours a day. I see this as a nice, refreshing change, and ultimately it's a great business move for STS. If you don't like the ways this game is heading, you're free to find a new game (spoiler ; you won't find anything like this game, it's quite unique).
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