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Thread: The Economy will NEVER get better... unless this happens

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    Default The Economy will NEVER get better... unless this happens

    Gold farming has effectively died, so ask yourself... Why are prices hyperinflating right now?

    All high-tier items have 2-10x multiplied almost a full year after gold farming was effectively killed. The issue is that nobody deals in gold anymore, they deal in abstract concepts of what people might potentially buy in pure (even if that never happens)

    Why don't people want Pure? There's a fundamental game flaw - when you can deal in abstracts and item trades - gold is worthless. We need a 3-tier solution


    but most importantly... ONLY purchased with PURE GOLD.

    The current gold systems are either trivially cheap (potions, cs listing, Towne NPC items), not rewarding (outdated non-meta vendor sets), or not permanent (good gold sinks for events only)

    I think enchantment is the only time STS got this concept right.

    please make gold worth something again, ty

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    Quote Originally Posted by Curvatwo View Post
    Gold farming has effectively died, so ask yourself... Why are prices hyperinflating right now?

    All high-tier items have 2-10x multiplied almost a full year after gold farming was effectively killed. The issue is that nobody deals in gold anymore, they deal in abstract concepts of what people might potentially buy in pure (even if that never happens)

    Why don't people want Pure? There's a fundamental game flaw - when you can deal in abstracts and item trades - gold is worthless. We need a 3-tier solution


    but most importantly... ONLY purchased with PURE GOLD.

    The current gold systems are either trivially cheap (potions, cs listing, Towne NPC items), not rewarding (outdated non-meta vendor sets), or not permanent (good gold sinks for events only)

    I think enchantment is the only time STS got this concept right.

    please make gold worth something again, ty
    How much gold do you have in your stash ? by looking at how desperately you sounds in this post, I bet it’s a lot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yogaa View Post
    How much gold do you have in your stash ? by looking at how desperately you sounds in this post, I bet it’s a lot.
    your response proves my point exactly, you view having a lot of it with negative connotations. I only have a few billion but shouldn't gold (the game's primary currency) have usefulness beyond just bartering for items? I think so

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    I want and need pure. All people want in high tier item trades is as much pure as they can get their hands on. I would argue that pure is quite rare at the moment, and worth a lot more than when farming existed.

    If you want tangible solutions on fixing the economy, look no further than the literal essay I wrote in suggestions and feedback about a month back detailing everything that would work along with numbers to back it up.

    WE DO NEED MORE GOLD SINKS. Make it happen STS.

    IGNs: Estate - Twinkled - Twash - Receipts
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    They Should just add 3 different vanitys Rich Helm+Armor+1H Hammer(the golden version of Storm God) -> to the vendor guy who is called Finesser. This Finesser could finesse forexample Curvatwos 1B gold in 3 seconds. Finesser have 3 different Prices Helm = 100m Armor=500m Golden Storm God Hammer=1B
    Helm and armors can be Golden version of DEEP helm and armors!
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far View Post
    They Should just add 3 different vanitys Rich Helm+Armor+1H Hammer(the golden version of Storm God) -> to the vendor guy who is called Finesser. This Finesser could finesse forexample Curvatwos 1B gold in 3 seconds. Finesser have 3 different Prices Helm = 100m Armor=500m Golden Storm God Hammer=1B
    Helm and armors can be Golden version of DEEP helm and armors!
    FFAR- it’s no secret you’re a huge black marketing player. And it’s also no secret that everytime you comment on a post that it’s literally incomprehensible. Keep the negativity in game as you always do, and keep the poorly typed, 5 year old style comments, off the forums.. pretty sure real players will appreciate it.

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    If this is what you think, you should make a ticket to support:
    What i said wasnt even joke. There is same idea been for years in Arcane Legends. You need to learn more about this game, than making rumors, but let’s keep discussions respectful and focused on the game. If you have any issues, let’s address them in a positive manner for the benefit of the community.
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
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    ChatGPT writes his forums responses I assume because he is not fluent in English.

    IGNs: Estate - Twinkled - Twash - Receipts
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estate View Post
    ChatGPT writes his forums responses I assume because he is not fluent in English.
    I feel harrased by you and itastemvp. I hope STS takes appropriate action regarding this matter.
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
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    Gold has become rare nowadays, with the gold max cap being 1b items costing more than that have to be traded with items or other ways. I think its time to increase the gold cap and add a way to make it a little more farmable as items have gone through the roof. While people want pure gold and no one is able to supply it.

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    More gold is always good for the person who hoards it

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