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Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk
From what i see in the the level 81 expansion arcane comes after nearly a year. So here how devs might work with this expansion. We got expansion in last year at the end of year. We gonna use old arcane 4-5 months in the elder maps. After we gonna get a new mythic weapons( these must come soon) that gonna be use half of year or more, after we gonna get the zodias weapons that gonna be used 3-4 months and after 1year we gonnna get, finnaly the new level 86 arcane weapons. So no need to hurry about it. You should expect arcane in a year.
I hope not, 81 arcs doing just fine
There’s no map that even requires any weapons better than the ones we have now anyways .
they just released the full lvl 86 myth set a month or 2 ago, be patient
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crazy xD
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Makes no sense lol, the only time I’d say new arcanes are needed is when there’s bosses and areas we aren’t doing enough damage in, but as for now the arcanes are doing just fine as I said earlier, I don’t think they will or should release 86 arcanes simply because we’re “bored” .
this is exactly what I thought, +1