Hi, ive been running event for a few runs with random ppl and they been getting upset @ me for running to fast and pulling mobs or waiting for boss to spawn while they're killing mobs or whenever im killing the Ads with my proc with Kraken aegis i end up killing the Ads to fast. And every time i do something wrong they always be freaking out about the little things and yes i know they're an option to run "SOLO" but my choice and i don't want to run solo but the fact whenever im running with these random players im always getting some sort of backlash from " going to fast" Opening chest to fast/ without them, not waiting for them" and i understand there's only what.... 3 chest in the small map.. but the constant backlash im getting and threats to reporting me to what i want to do from killing the mobs to waiting for the boss to spawn. it just makes me curios if this does take a toll or an effect into me to getting a ban. But anyways just wanted to post my issue and a thread id say...