Been a year since my last post i guess. (Or shorter idk hehe). So i just came back and 3 second after entering a map, i felt bore dom to death. No changes and still as it is. Nothing change. So i guess Arcane Legends need a new enhanced gamestyle which im gonna propose and is called Project 2.0. I do think Arcane Legends need an evolution. So, here are some of my suggesttion. (For which inspired from many games i played before came back/i've known since i entered gaming industry)

i) Weaponry / Blacksmith
-Weapon shall be able to be upgraded from +1 to +15.
-Material needed shall be obtainable throughout Arlor. Example; Hogwite Crystal, Stone of Griffin.

ii) Attack Animation
-There should be auto target (which you can toggle off/on in setting).
-Basic Attack Combo: Succesful 5 consecutive attack.
a.Warrior; Release an Aoe splash damage (Taunt All Enemies within range (wide range)
b.Rogue; Hit with a super powerful piercing arrow (ignore DEF)
c.Mage; Summon an orb which explode when comes into contact with the first enemy and collide.

iii) Card Collection. (Personal Needs hehehe)
-i think it'll be enjoyful if we can collect special card from all maps. (Just for personal achievements tho).
-Example; Windmore Cards ( 0/20), Underhul Cards (0/15). When completing a Deck of any maps, we can be rewarded with gold.

That's all for now, thank you for reading. Sorry for my bad English.