This is actually a good suggestion. When you are playing on mobile it’s very hard to see the proc icons. On pc it’s much easier.

I was thinking about this post when playing this morning in Hedo and watching all my procs.

(1) Line the proc icons up against the left side of the screen. That way they are closer to the natural field of vision when playing. They can be larger this way.

(2) The above suggestion of a human image that lights up area of proc intrigues me, but again the issue of screen real estate for mobile players probably makes this impossible. But ….

(A) You could revamp the entire player icon. The generic class image + HP / Mana bars do date the game and do not reflect current game play.

(B) This could be replaced with a full body image of your character and as procs occur the area lights up on the character.

(C) The programming of that might not be feasible, but there is still room for an update in this section of the interface. Players need to better see our procs and health/ mana can be smaller.

Go to it art team!