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I am making this thread to start discussion of what players would like to see as a loot from Elder Wood maps. Maybe we can give devs last minute ideas before release of Elite Elder Woods with new loot.
I'll start first. To me Elder Woods maps are boring, because there is nothing to loot, but gold. I would like to see mobs dropping tokens, equivalent of electrum chests and special rare furniture (i like blue paitings on Indigo Cavern walls). I would like to see bosses drop gold, tokens, jewel chests, elixirs (original ones + fish elixirs), badges, titles (for aps), and fragments of 1 of unreleased mythic lvl 86 weapon per class (only 1 weapon would be craftable, either sword or aegis, daggers or bow, gun or staff). This new weapon should use the way to obtain it of cryostar weapons. Bosses would drop common pieces, while vendor would offer recipes to turn common into rare, rare into epic, etc. Vendor should offer chest with gold for tokens, new pet eggs, jewel chest, trade-friendly sack of tokens, and recipes (rare, epic, legendary, mythic) to craft new mythic weapons.
Share your ideas.