Quote Originally Posted by Naaabmage View Post
Also I don't really care about platinum eggs but I looted 11 in all my runs...I am 650k points at least ... 11 plat lol sts says the Data is fine for a free platinum event....lol wtf I'm supposed to do with 11 plat eggs lmao shame on u sts for screwing over your f2p player base... you ruined another good event .... I need stop spending money on here n go back to other games n spend there...this game is ridiculous
This is why I made another thread to tell them we need some kind of run tokens to be able to get stuff from vendors that literally drops by "only" RNG based luck in events. People doing hundreds of runs to loot few specific thing but here is what, someone loots it in 5 runs and the others that run like for 500 times gets nothing? I am not talking about the events that are token based btw im talking of the ones that has nothing to do with reroll and game decides who is winner and who is not which is stupid enough.