Quote Originally Posted by Ilove_Poopoo View Post
Gold farming has long been a crucial activity in the game, engaging players for years - it's the reason people are willing to play hours upon hours consistently for weeks, months and years. Now everyone's being a Sim's simulator at towns - the incentive to gear up has lessened.

The stat boosts on Elite Gauntlet have rendered farming unsustainable, and might be the case for Hedorah aswell. Please don't expect people to feel excited gearing up just to shift back to Elite Rahabkor.
Whats the purpose of releasing all these new lv86 gears, expansion, more frequent awakening events when you push your players back to older maps by significantly buffing current meta maps to the point of it being unsustainable to play. Not to mention the 1s cooldown on equipment slots that made gameplay even more dull.

I hope you reconsider these updates.