I agree with this the flash really hurts my eyes when modding just the flash
I agree with this the flash really hurts my eyes when modding just the flash
Is it at all possible for the update to arrive sooner? Many people are wanting to buy the black wings because of the event reward (black shirt) of course I don’t mind waiting but it’s the perfect time for our wings to be tradable. Is this by any chance possible or is it set in stone for a specific date? All the best
yea they should add things in this list https://www.spacetimestudios.com/sho...-Vanity-crates
About flowers we already got new ones I don't expect them coming back soon, I was only thinking on guild vs guild related vanities but dark legends shield could be a good add to the capsules too, the Holloween thurster could be added as a drop from Hellbert and about the executioner's masks blue and red I don't know where they even come from
Hello World!
It was droppable in a old bank.bot event ( the blue and red mask)
i agree with that
Evening sts
This event was actually pretty hyped and pretty cool but i got some notes to say, as the community realized this event changed a lot about the community economy after half of the rare items came in this event dev squishers etc it's pretty cool to have the expensive items like that but it's actually not pretty cool to make everything rare the add of the night ranger set was pretty insane and cool but what I'm trying to say, don't listen to the people who keeps saying " bring this old item back we want that item back " it really hurts the community because we are actually in worry to wear rare items nowdays in fear of it coming back, what we actually want is make more recolored vanities like what happened to the black e6 or just like pocket legends bring old vanities but with new look not the original one but a new one that looks like it we really just want these rare items to stay and i hope i explained my point well and i hope this gets actually looked by the managers
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I think what he’s trying to say is that, all items are unpredictable now. Players are worried to hold rare items as there are about 2-3 tradable rares left Dark legends shield/ pink flowers/ probably something else I’m missing. Will we be experiencing new items soon at all? Maybe a galaxy pack which generates an aura? And also will the Dark legends shield make a return ever? We’re just intrigued as a lot of players are worried to get specific items, a response to this would rest a lot of players minds
Thanks dev
Also another question, is it at all possible to get a buff on the endless gauntlet? 1 token per wave is very very slow considering not many players play when events are not on can the amount of tokens per wave be changed, it takes about 1 month to grind for an opr and I’m not even joking and finding a team is crazy difficult as nobody wants to do it because it takes so long? Sorry for the questions.
Bro stop asking everytime your on here is just you asking for something the game doesn't revolve around you jesus christ there are sets in the game the point of having the purple scorn set is to feel accomplished that no player has and the dedication to grind for the set stop asking for handouts everytime you come on the forums
Can yall find a way to bring back some of the forgotten vanitys like Scorn Shield it was only into the ghost ship event and that no longer is in play for some reason might i recommened updating the halloween kits thankSSS
Stop adding old vanitys that easy to get, we used to farm 12 hours per day to drop 1 dev every 2-3 weeks , now everyone have one and i dont see any way why people will play the game ( how they used to play ) when everything its near free and nothing have value anymore. Pls stop destroying the economy of the game to give pleasure of 2-3 newgens who ask for those cause they dont wanna farm to afford them in traditional way. Thank you
never said we wouldnt have to farm for them but its people like you who ruin the economy Most of the players with these items have been banned or quit and people like you take avantage of that and ruin the economy by making up BS prices
Halos-Barely any in game why? People gotten banned with them in there accounts
Dl shield- Wha happened to those???? oh yeah players quit or gotten ban with them
Flowers-ALL the OGs quit or gotten banned as well
as you can see your argument doesnt make any sense please stick to the facts and actually see that these items should be brought back but to grind for them people like you always wanna think your the victim here but your not bud humble yourself
I just want to ask, when you will give information about next event??
Fr event is in 3 days and no info