Quote Originally Posted by niccs View Post
ill do the reply what the devs will say, watch xD
“we have no interest in making this” - IM LAZY AND I DONT GET PAYED THAT MUCH
Quote Originally Posted by Emyobabydaddy View Post
Make a farmable map that’s scales with level like events do, and have it drop gear within your level range. This map could also include quality of life stuff such as: inventory slots crafting station slots, awakening gems(If you’re lvl 46 or over) make armor sets/weapons that are actually good or provide set bonuses like how icescale armor does, but add incentives such as a guaranteed myth drop or higher after 100 boss kills. This way all levels can participate and have something to do in the game besides farm gold all day and all communities are included, there’s a bunch of people who play all levels that genuinely have nothing to do but farm events. This would solve lower level people complaining about the lack of gears, and benefit the free to play community and actually give people something to do. If more zones are getting content more people would more than likely comeback(bc y’all don’t advertise anyway) And keep the drops similar to crate token items like a player can loot; Bound 25 inventory slots or a tradeable 25 inventory slots.
And please be open to adding things to the loot table, we could even see the comeback of og weapons like: storm sword, Dark watch sword, devourer weapons, Eloia, Galen and Jord weapons.