Since we have Gold bars added to the Game, could we get an increase on the gold farming maps like ''Isle of Night'' or 'Myx Maze maps and gold loot in general? More people want to grind for these new Gold Bars and it would be amazing if the gold farming is really worth it.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
-Helen Keller
So I have an Idea to try for this xmas, maybe we could have Tori offer gold for the items that you can farm during the Event. Let's say you drop a Toyman armor and Tori buys those for 10,000,000 Gold and not only that but other stuff too for example Crates and other items/vanities. People won't have to deal with the items they dropped for too long and could sell them to Tori for Gold.
Last edited by Islamiyah24; 12-04-2024 at 03:05 AM.
Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
[Subjects Of Ymir]
They should change the color of the holiday weapons, even the set, it would be nice if they changed the color, because having 3 consecutive years of the same event without any news is boring
Could we maybe get the ''Little Helper'' Pet back for this Winter? It came out a long time ago and people been searching for it and wanting it back. Much love - Konry
This year could you put some ice wings that have an effect please?
Forgot to respond to this but unfortunately this is a terrible take. We want less gold not more. The farming will be worth it because it takes an adequate amount of work now. Happy running![]()
IGNs: Estate - Twinkled - Receipts
Former IGNs: Sugar - Suga - Sugaronja - Sugarfree
Is there anyway we can vote on this? These items are PL antiques with the dates 2016,2017 etc. in the names. Love the addition of black flake sets but bringing back the old colors that some players spend years trying to collect is the exact move that pushes those players to quit.
GOATS R THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goatycoady lv55, Thegoatking lv55, Theegoat lv55, Goaty lv47, Thegoaty lv45, Goatwarrior lv55.
wow im very excited for this new event, im gonna farm a lot and buy things with plat thx sts team, happy holydays to everyone![]()
can i ask if it's possible to make Rudolph pet farmable, thx and happy Xmas![]()
also an idea to recolor molt pet to blue color and add to the daily deal maybe with exclusive stats
Can we get the level 10 Black Friday Weapons to return in this event as a vendor purchase if it’s not already part of the escort mission like it was previously?
Please reconsider adding the old snowflake sets to daily deal. I don’t think it’s fair to the players who spent tons of plat on them (or time collecting) with the understanding that green is the color of 2017, or blue the color of 2018… for them to just be added to the store again in 2024. Thus making them way less rare.
That being said the new black flakes is super awesome and I’m excited for those! Thank you for your consideration Futumsh
GOATS R THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goatycoady lv55, Thegoatking lv55, Theegoat lv55, Goaty lv47, Thegoaty lv45, Goatwarrior lv55.
Will you at least consider renaming the items or adding the date 2024 to them so we know which ones are original and which are rereleases. I think that’s a fair compromise to those of us who care and like to collect items in the game. Vs those who just want them for aesthetic purposes (there’s no right or wrong way to play PL)![]()
My collector friends and I throughout the years LOVE flake sets because it shows the different years PL was active enough for players to justify the expensive plat purchase. Hints why there are so many gold flakes in circulation form 2016 when there was a more active player base, compared to blue 2018 even though 2016 is from longer ago. A quick edit like this would at least save the integrity of the OG sets vs the rereleases which would keep all different types of players happy in PL![]()
GOATS R THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goatycoady lv55, Thegoatking lv55, Theegoat lv55, Goaty lv47, Thegoaty lv45, Goatwarrior lv55.
Tbh, if you guys added dates to rereleased items, everything would be okay and keep its value and everyone would stop complaining about it.
It's a simple fix, just delete 2 of the numbers and add 24 to them and the originals would keep their value.
You guys can even rerelease BD and every og thing that has ever existed, add a current date to their rerelease and everything would be fine.