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  1. #41
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goatycoady View Post
    Will you at least consider renaming the items or adding the date 2024 to them so we know which ones are original and which are rereleases. I think that’s a fair compromise to those of us who care and like to collect items in the game. Vs those who just want them for aesthetic purposes (there’s no right or wrong way to play PL)

    My collector friends and I throughout the years LOVE flake sets because it shows the different years PL was active enough for players to justify the expensive plat purchase. Hints why there are so many gold flakes in circulation form 2016 when there was a more active player base, compared to blue 2018 even though 2016 is from longer ago. A quick edit like this would at least save the integrity of the OG sets vs the rereleases which would keep all different types of players happy in PL
    As much as I can see your point of view and concern.

    As a collector myself, who keeps one of every item I earn and farm for.
    It doesn't concern me if the items, I've collected over the years is from the orginal and very first time it came out on pl or not, no one can honestly tell the difference but myself , it all looks the same.

    I never resell, or even if I do collect more , it is never to sell for profit later years, again that doesn't concern me.

    The issue with the renaming of vanity items for this particular event alone,
    What about all the other vanity items and sets that where bought back over the years of events ? How do we make it fair on all the other returned items on game?

    I'm sorry but I find this request a huge stretch and unfair for all the other sets that where brought back over the past years events.
    You are not the only one who have been affected by vanity sets and items being bought back on game.

    However I find the rereleases of items are good for the players and the game.

    It promotes activity of players (those who cant afford the items or missed out on these items back then)
    Encourages platinum spending to the game
    Combats the black market of players illegally selling those prized items for real life money.

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    Can we get an increase on Xp Kits and Xp Orbs dropping in Escort please? The Percentage is just way to low.

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  4. #43
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    i think snowflake sets as event vanity items should came back if more peoples aggre on it, but the og cap rewards such as crown of persistence, shield of hallows, mount fang armor, humania mantle, psyko pet, and black dragon 2pc with the l71 elite weaps should never came back

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pvpkings View Post
    i think snowflake sets as event vanity items should came back if more peoples aggre on it, but the og cap rewards such as crown of persistence, shield of hallows, mount fang armor, humania mantle, psyko pet, and black dragon 2pc with the l71 elite weaps should never came back

    I guess you started playing at 100 cap, but here a very simple and understandable description, I couldn't easily find the original updates/patched info about those items but I bet you will be able to understand this one. Take time to read its not that long.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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    Would someone be kind enough to tell mu why does gold loot not work in grotto or does a specific set work?i have tried using bling,winter king and triant 4pc sets and have compared the gold recieved with a merman set and its the same amount of gold.Thanks

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  8. #46
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmxdanxmx View Post
    Would someone be kind enough to tell mu why does gold loot not work in grotto or does a specific set work?i have tried using bling,winter king and triant 4pc sets and have compared the gold recieved with a merman set and its the same amount of gold.Thanks
    I think the amount of gold the drops in The Grotto map has been reduced on purpose last year, and it doesn't matter what you use , generally speaking the amount dropped is random and much smaller than it was in the past.

    This is a welcome change due to the fact that the cheaters who bot have 3 whole weeks to farm gold and all the drops in Grotto and in turn control the Consignment store with all their loot.

    A bot, short for robot, is a computer program that performs tasks automatically, often over a network. Bots can imitate human behavior, such as interacting with websites or chatting with visitors, but are faster and more accurate.

    So think of it this way, the Grotto map now is more for the fun of farming and rare drops , rather than farming for gold which is exploited by the bots who in turn sell that gold for real life money on the Black market.
    Last edited by Fwend; 12-14-2024 at 04:57 AM.

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  9. #47
    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Whoever is responsible for that Dragons Eye Banner. Ws in the thread for you. More of these items in the future please.

  10. #48
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    Improvement / Suggestion Report

    1. XP Multipliers:
    - Issue: The XP multipliers for XP Elixirs, XP Sets, and XP Pets are not work on the "The Winter GAUNTLET" and "ESCORT Father Frost!" maps.

    2. XP Orbs:
    - Improvements: The XP Orbs have very low values compared to other events.

    Damage , Armor , Speed , health working perfectly.
    Last edited by Vinicio Chocolight; 12-16-2024 at 01:12 AM.

  11. #49
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    Hello STS,

    It's the second week of the event, would you consider adding or bringing back the twink items such as low lvls candle wand, toyman wand, pjs, snowball launcher, duckfoot, pounder, winter cutter, sleds and other xmas discon. items. I think we need low lvls xmas items to be return in the loot table of killjoy/grotto or wherever you want to add it gauntlet or escort but I think grotto is preferable.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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  12. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Islamiyah24 View Post
    Hello STS,

    It's the second week of the event, would you consider adding or bringing back the twink items such as low lvls candle wand, toyman wand, pjs, snowball launcher, duckfoot, pounder, winter cutter, sleds and other xmas discon. items. I think we need low lvls xmas items to be return in the loot table of killjoy/grotto or wherever you want to add it gauntlet or escort but I think grotto is preferable.
    I’d love to see the majority of these items return, however I do believe they should all return through the plat store and kept there permanently. This creates a straight forward source for us to purchase and not have to complain about people hoarding them later down the lines.

    As I own majority of these items, and is possibly 1/1 for a few of them, I have to state my opinions on seeing something like a 15 Snowball launcher return. It costed me an arm and a leg, my entire collection could have bought me 3 BD sets at one point, to obtain it and seeing it come back for free would kind of be insulting. If it’s placed in the plat store and a portion of the money spent towards these items goes towards minor patches for PvP then I’d be more than ok with seeing it happen.

  13. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    I’d love to see the majority of these items return, however I do believe they should all return through the plat store and kept there permanently. This creates a straight forward source for us to purchase and not have to complain about people hoarding them later down the lines.

    As I own majority of these items, and is possibly 1/1 for a few of them, I have to state my opinions on seeing something like a 15 Snowball launcher return. It costed me an arm and a leg, my entire collection could have bought me 3 BD sets at one point, to obtain it and seeing it come back for free would kind of be insulting. If it’s placed in the plat store and a portion of the money spent towards these items goes towards minor patches for PvP then I’d be more than ok with seeing it happen.
    I respect ppl who owned or collect these kind of items. So if ever that this request has been approve I agree with the plat-cost for these items to return.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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  14. #52
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    The banner is cool but not enough to catch my interest. This game was better years ago..

  15. #53
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    There was no post-event NPC? I had event tokens still to use :-(

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