Some Players Grinding for Pve Events. Mostly i guess. But How about Pvp Events? This Event will give such a great success if you made atleast one Pvp Event Every year. There is so many players playing Pvp when there is no such Event to play. Let's say for every 2nd Week of a month, The Event comes. So In The fist week of a month, Pvp Event comes(Suggesting). This will give a such great impact on this game. There is so many pvp player in the game that they quit because it is pretty useless and just a numbers. Some Enjoyed it but mostly quitted because of it. I think it is time to make it more enjoyable for everyone.
@Futumsh @Cinco @Asommers Please respond to this suggestions so we gain a great experience on this game.
Thanks and have so fun!
- Kira