bump still sell
bump still sell
bump still sell
bump still sell
bump still sell
Is there ANY thing for free?
Sent from my SM-F946U using Tapatalk
how much sb belt
Sent from my M2102J20SG using Tapatalk
Have rusk bow and gun lvl 1 hm? Can be clean
Got rusk bow and gun lvl 1? If yes which ones and price
I’ll help you
How much for the force bow? sorry to ask im not familiar with its price
Sent from my vivo 1906 using Tapatalk
Sb amu and belt lemme know if still for sale
Nice graphic keep that hard work, you good
Nice man, that graphic was awesome nice
thanks @xcml
bump dead game
(feel quite proud to have quit when i realised awakening event would kill the game for good, seeing most of the heavy-plat users i knew left)
Can I see your lvl 1 rusk guns ign:castsz