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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    Players were not punished for “bypass,” though many asked for it - cause these players thought it was some sort of exploit / glitch. So I set the record straight with my post (quoted above).

    With all that said - the ability to do ‘Hedo bypass’ is a silly broken bit of game data. Especially considering that Hedo is supposed to be the most powerful boss of the game.

    It’s gone now.

    It is not coming back.

    Also - and this info will be very important to my gold focused players - Elite Rahab and all previous elite boss gold drops will be nerfed significantly when Elite Elder Woods comes out. So do please farm them now while you can.

    This inevitable gold nerf is also not going to be reconsidered either and you should see this friendly message from me as a helpful hint :-)

    Best wishes!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Nerfing Elite rahab and other Elite bosses might be the dumbest thing you guys will do unless you plan on intentionally slicing off the necks of your player base. Do you not understand that the majority of your f2p can barely do Erahab in a random pt? What about new players? Isnt the whole point of Zodias and then Elder woods to start at one and then work your way up? But instead your going to make people go to " Hey im new, i have 6mil gold by the time i get to lvl 86 and im expected to have full SB gear just to do hedo?" What is this???? You are rewarding your super OP players by buffing elder woods and destroying the majority of the player base. I can understand if you want to intentionally make the game die off but if you dont want to then this is extremely dumb. It's the law of Supply and Demand, allow new players and average players to farm gold in Zodias, when those new players have gold the demand for Krak, Star and need gear increases which makes people buy MORE PLAT. Isnt that what you want? More plat purchases? You will be killing that off. Eventually new gear will be worth less then expected reducing the incentive of P2P players buying plat which in turn reduces supply but then you have no one having the gold to even buy that "cheap" gear because it is now scarce. Look at the Bio set, its pretty OP but you can barely find 80-100 sets in the whole game. But because of the gold scarcity among the average player and the hoarding of the OP player not many bio sets are in current circulation meaning you did not have enough plat purchases. Make it make sense. Either kill the game/shut it down or learn to retain new players and regrow the player base.

  2. #42
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    I think for STS to simply learn their error of their ways is to play the game. @cinco, i recommend you equip an average zaar set and try all the maps including cata. I then recommend you put on an average krak set and then attempt all the maps, and then a 3/3 SB and so on. Go through all the maps in order with gear and please let us know if "Zaar is recommended for cata" etc. And if you think that hedo needed that buff and Erahab needs to be nerfed. Thanks!

  3. #43
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    Y'all nerfed elite portals enough. This is more hurtful to freeplayers that are gl farmers than you can imagine. This game has become 95% pay to win. You may not realize it but y'all just prove you don't like freeplayers. F2P gl farmers, all we do is grind and grind for hours and hours to get nowhere. F2P we can't afford gear passed zaar. Not knocking zaar, it's good gear but have to have carries in elite maps/portals and elder anything. F2P cant afford anything with the worst inflation in game right now. Y'all fixed it once with a somewhat balance. But now it's out of control and doesn't effect P2W at all. The plat players can simply do nothing and have everything they want without working for it. So please change your minds about gl nerf to elite zodia portals for F2P gl farmers stuck in zaar, some in kraken but not with good awakes or great jewels, literally just enough to survive elite portals.

  4.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #44
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    Hedo shield duration (and the total amount of defense) have been adjusted. For this reason I will be closing this thread. Please start up another suggestion thread if you feel that the Hedourah encounter is still too much for you to handle.

    As for my preview about the inevitable incoming gold nerf... I said it to be transparent and not surprise you. It is gonna happen. It literally happens with every elite campaign release. This time 'round you have a 'heads up and a nice period of time before it hits. Please use this to your advantage.

    Best wishes!
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