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  1. #81
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    I totally agree with Bella & Cuddle is a awesome idea we surely need new maps an rare drops also mini bosses some like to farm an definitely will bring back old players and keep players active & busy doing something than waiting every month for new events to come or just standing around doing anything,we just need more to this game make it more fun Active so players would wanna stay an play! But am thankful the admins are doing a great job on the events much appreciated! Everyone will love a change,
    New maps
    Rare drops
    Mini bosses
    New powers
    Level cap
    New emoji
    I know you admins can do it much love stay awesome & Bless

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  3. #82
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    We’re meant to have strong opinions and there’s nothing wrong with voicing them in discussions..

    Anyway my point, that we want new experiences from the entire spectrum of the game. To think about improving the game is to think about the future.

    Developing innovative ideas requires people to dream big, think differently and then @Futumsh to develop the solution.

    I wish you all a beautiful new week and a happy WEEKEND☀️
    Let the day start with a beautiful smile ❄️
    ꧁༒☬B E L L A☬༒꧂

  4. #83
    Junior Member Diabloxl's Avatar
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    When we will get new gold cap? Now there is too high prices we need new max gold cap

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  6. #84
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    We all want new things, all the suggestions you did already been suggested by lots of players in suggestions and feedback and this is like making noise out of boredom with no specific content and that's fine do your thing.

    But next time better not to drag everyone else claiming its a request came from the community when not everyone else agrees to this vip premium stuff, that sounded like someone trying to control the voice of the community when not everyone else agreeing to it. It's good to think about the future and that also requires thinking about all players what they need, what they want, what is best for them. By all players means f2P and those who can pay.

    Anyway forest frenzy was a good event, good drops even if it's hard. Need to continue adding content like these, saw lots of players including new players trading new vanities for speed set and essential stuff. This means the drops is very helpful to help beginners and everyone else to keep up with the game.

  7. #85
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    "We're not going to brag about your opinion" xD

    These kind of players are everywhere like you ...

    …there's a difference between something being wrong and something you don't personally like. There's also a public aspect to calling someone out, your argument was purely centered around ignorance and thought-provoking conversation lolz

    I’m sure you’ve heard the expression everyone is entitled to their opinion. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.

    Respect is key, learn to agree and disagree with someone else opinions respectfully. Stop arguing about it, suggestions are not meant to be an argument.

    — Feel free to voice any issues in private.
    ꧁༒☬B E L L A☬༒꧂

  8. #86
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    Not calling you out, I'm just replying. I have the right to voice out my opinion as well as you claimed that's a request on behalf of dl community. I'm stating my opinion. Didn't say you're wrong I even said do your thing girl.

    I'm not provoking anyone either, if you felt that, that means you cannot stand constructive criticism. No one's wants to argue here just stating one's opinion is not arguing. It's constructive criticism and this is forum, everyone have the right to speak and share their opinions that's why it's called discussions.

    Oh and now you're telling people they're not entitled of to speak for themselves. Fyi, you are not entitled either to tell the forums that request about VIP PREMIUM came from on behalf of dl community, keep the suggestion only made by you since you didn't ask everyone permission if they agree to this or not and what's the point of voicing out my opinion in private? I have the right to state my opinion here and idc if you don't like it just respect it too, but you can't, you called me ignorant for voicing out my opinion.

    Sorry but I thought you're better than this. But then again I guess people reveal their real attitude when they don't like something.
    Last edited by RedSerpent; 12-01-2024 at 02:15 AM.

  9. #87
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    Currently, the game seems to lack diversity in farming options, with most players. STS can released many new variety of maps through expansion, this include, a water themed, a snow themed and space themed? Maybe a sky themed map; places where vampires fly and play in the sky with winged items. Also, we want to see a new variety of pets … one that is underground and attacks?

    Please increase the maximum player level that can be reached within that game, allowing players to continue progressing further and potentially unlocking new rewards or abilities at higher levels.

    This approach will create anticipation among players, encourage map diversity, and enhance the overall longevity of the game even including some VIP memberships. In conclusion, implementing these changes will not only balance the farming maps but also provide a fresh and engaging experience for players. By encouraging diversity in farming locations and introducing new mechanics, "Dark legends" will thrive with renewed excitement and player satisfaction.

    Thank you for considering these suggestions. I look forward to seeing how "Dark legends" continues to evolve and provide an exceptional gaming experience for its dedicated community.
    ꧁༒☬B E L L A☬༒꧂

  10. #88
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    Thanks for the suggestion though habibibi and cuddles ! Also would be nice:
    -search in auct based on item stats
    -possibility to customize pet
    -maybe we can have some caves with underground passages and hidden treasures?

    Can I make a suggestion here about winter events? Can you add a christmas tree features in sanctuary with a gift design and christmas lights on it?

  11. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diabloxl View Post
    When we will get new gold cap? Now there is too high prices we need new max gold cap
    Prices just need to drop. It's kinda ridiculous..imo not many other solutions besides new lvl cap maybe from what I've seen.

  12. #90
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    Idk if its the wrong place for that topic or if we have like an extra suggestion thread somewhere, I will leave my opinion here.
    Suggestions for game improvements or expansions are always great and help the game evolve. Whether they actually make a lot of sense is another question. I think what Dark Legends desperately needs are new maps or a modernization of the existing ones. I miss the gameplay of back then. Ten years ago, so many players were farming. You could almost always find someone in multiplayer.
    Farming was an integral part of the gameplay for most players. I think this part needs to come back. It brings back the purpose of the game. The balance between farmers and merchants is no longer there. Back then, the game consisted of merchandise, PvP, PvE, and the community socializing part. Yes, some still play PvP, but for the most part, everyone just stands in the Sanctuary, merch, and socializes. I think we urgently need new loot in the maps, quests to make people actually play, new mini-bosses, and a level cap.
    Once the game itself is expanded, you can think about VIP passes. Only such things wouldn't help the game at the moment. The gap between pay-to-win and play-to-win is already big enough. But you can see that the developers are thinking about it and we had some fantastic events. Forest Frenzy was amazing. New vanity always brings new momentum to the game. And yes, I've also seen players who were able to afford a Halcyon Set through it and were happy. It enabled a lot of players. That's exactly what we need. Thanks for your work ❤️"
    So in short:
    * Desire for new content: Maps, quests, mini-bosses, and loot.
    * Need to revive farming: As a core gameplay element.
    * Balancing PvP, PvE, and community: For a more engaging experience.
    * Concerns about pay-to-win mechanics: While appreciating developer efforts.
    * Positive impact of events like Forest Frenzy: On player engagement and motivation.

  13. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyv View Post
    Idk if its the wrong place for that topic or if we have like an extra suggestion thread somewhere, I will leave my opinion here.
    Suggestions for game improvements or expansions are always great and help the game evolve. Whether they actually make a lot of sense is another question. I think what Dark Legends desperately needs are new maps or a modernization of the existing ones. I miss the gameplay of back then. Ten years ago, so many players were farming. You could almost always find someone in multiplayer.
    Farming was an integral part of the gameplay for most players. I think this part needs to come back. It brings back the purpose of the game. The balance between farmers and merchants is no longer there. Back then, the game consisted of merchandise, PvP, PvE, and the community socializing part. Yes, some still play PvP, but for the most part, everyone just stands in the Sanctuary, merch, and socializes. I think we urgently need new loot in the maps, quests to make people actually play, new mini-bosses, and a level cap.
    Once the game itself is expanded, you can think about VIP passes. Only such things wouldn't help the game at the moment. The gap between pay-to-win and play-to-win is already big enough. But you can see that the developers are thinking about it and we had some fantastic events. Forest Frenzy was amazing. New vanity always brings new momentum to the game. And yes, I've also seen players who were able to afford a Halcyon Set through it and were happy. It enabled a lot of players. That's exactly what we need. Thanks for your work ❤️"
    So in short:
    * Desire for new content: Maps, quests, mini-bosses, and loot.
    * Need to revive farming: As a core gameplay element.
    * Balancing PvP, PvE, and community: For a more engaging experience.
    * Concerns about pay-to-win mechanics: While appreciating developer efforts.
    * Positive impact of events like Forest Frenzy: On player engagement and motivation.
    I agree! 👍🩷 You should add a new map, new drops, and finally, make upgrades or sets with a higher chance of vanity drops! Because farming every 5 hours for a whole month for one vanity is not good.

  14. #92
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    There will be new maximum gold cap? Because 999.999.999 is no enough nowadays to buy anything we should get 99bil

  15. #93
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    so cool can't wait go get those outfits

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