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Thread: Long live Pocket Legends!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Golem's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Long live Pocket Legends!

    Hi everyone,

    I've been a longtime player and fan of Pocket Legends, but lately, I've noticed a concerning trend in our community. The game seems to be experiencing a significant drop in activity, and unfortunately, this has led to an increase in negative behavior and toxicity among players. It feels like the game has become an empty shop where people are simply hanging around with nothing constructive to do.

    To revitalize our community and bring some excitement back to the game, I believe we need to introduce new content. One idea could be to reintroduce some old vanity items and L110 arcane weapons to the L115 maps. This would give players something to work towards and keep them engaged.

    For new players, the start of the game is quite dull. Pocket Legends should update its introduction for newcomers. For example, if a player logs in or opens the game every day for a month, they could receive different rewards each day. This would give players more incentive to continue playing rather than quitting after the first day, as often happens now.

    Let's work together to make Pocket Legends a fun and welcoming place again.

    Thank you for considering my suggestions!

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Golem; 08-01-2024 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Added idea fpr new players

  2. #2
    Member Darkfor's Avatar
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    Hello there fellow adventurer.

    I think to truly revive Pocket Legends from it sleeping stage, Spacetime should also do very needed and critical changes to early game that would encourage new players to keep playing the game more and keep telling to friends about this game - just as it was back in the day.

    Current Pocket Legends we know, is NOT welcoming new players warmly, as it's very broken when it comes to enjoyment of new starting players who honestly are the only players that can truly bring Pocket Legends back to its glory.
    I can't see the full picture from the perspective of every new players, but anyone can see that Pocket Legends is broken.

    Of course Spacetime can always try to please remaining players with countless of Events or something else and try to keep them continue playing or even opening the game, but if you are looking the whole picture, Spacetime really should balance the whole gameplay on the full scale of L1-110 and not only focus to end game.

    Obviously it would be quite risky investment, which at the moment gives no answers as to whether it would be a success or not in the end, so it's very understandable if Spacetime doesn't have enough resources or faith to do what it truly would take to possibly revive Pocket Legends; and the word "possibly" alone is a quite good reason to not do anything.

    My honest opinion is that if Spacetime keeps continue focusing only to Events and End Game content: it's never going to be enough to revive the game, and it always keeps continue being on this sleeping stage.
    Last edited by Darkfor; 07-31-2024 at 12:34 PM. Reason: fixing a writing error

  3. #3
    Senior Member Golem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkfor View Post
    Hello there fellow adventurer.

    I think to truly revive Pocket Legends from it sleeping stage, Spacetime should also do very needed and critical changes to early game that would encourage new players to keep playing the game more and keep telling to friends about this game - just as it was back in the day.

    Current Pocket Legends we know, is NOT welcoming new players warmly, as it's very broken when it comes to enjoyment of new starting players who honestly are the only players that can truly bring Pocket Legends back to its glory.
    I can't see the full picture from the perspective of every new players, but anyone can see that Pocket Legends is broken.

    Of course Spacetime can always try to please remaining players with countless of Events or something else and try to keep them continue playing or even opening the game, but if you are looking the whole picture, Spacetime really should balance the whole gameplay on the full scale of L1-110 and not only focus to end game.

    Obviously it would be quite risky investment, which at the moment gives no answers as to whether it would be a success or not in the end, so it's very understandable if Spacetime doesn't have enough resources or faith to do what it truly would take to possibly revive Pocket Legends; and the word "possibly" alone is a quite good reason to not do anything.

    My honest opinion is that if Spacetime keeps continue focusing only to Events and End Game content: it's never going to be enough to revive the game, and it always keeps continue being on this sleeping stage.
    Ty for you nice post. Also about new players that is so true, when you start new toon its very boring start nothing intresting. I will update this post about this idea. But Let me ask you one guestion what you said about sts focusing on events… we got only few events every year idk if you been active in PL but we dont have enought events and we need those! Also i mentioned in past posts about forexample double fang events it would be nice too.

  4. #4
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    Right at the start I want to honor Spacetime for doing what they are doing, as I can very well understand that it's not always easy and sometimes we need to make hard choices.
    I can't fully step into Spacetime's shoes on my thoughts, and as a player I'll try to be respectful and tell my concerns and I'll leave it up to you what you are going to do with my thoughts.
    I don't expect anything to happen, but I can always be hopeful, as I've always been towards Pocket Legends
    - and with this being said, I'm going to the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    Ty for you nice post. Also about new players that is so true, when you start new toon its very boring start nothing intresting. I will update this post about this idea. But Let me ask you one guestion what you said about sts focusing on events… we got only few events every year idk if you been active in PL but we dont have enought events and we need those! Also i mentioned in past posts about forexample double fang events it would be nice too.
    Oh yes, I've been actually quite inactive and I was just mainly thinking about the overall picture of the Pocket Legends in the past years, where my main concern is that those few Events that are still running are kind of the only thing that keeps Pocket Legends still rolling, but barely alive.

    So yes, you're right that it's also important to increase running regular Events through out of the year, so there is many matters that should need changes to actually revive the game in long term - and the issue I presented on my comment regarding of the broken early game seems equally important on my eyes.

    Of course logic can't give an ensured answers if any of changes would be a success or not in a long term and there for sure is multiple other things that should also be considered; but I think that we, as a players, can still think and give an quite solid answers for the question regarding of the stronger survival of the Pocket Legends -
    - which then leaves the question of whether Spacetime is still listening to us or not?
    - and most importantly, is there already any upcoming plans regarding to this specific matter on hand?

    Upgraded Leveling Experience:

    First of all, I'm the kind of person who is usually against the big changes and I love old Pocket Legends all of my heart - but we need to take into consideration that we are not living on 2014 anymore, which is hard truth and means that base leveling experience and progression should be upgraded somehow to today's standards, which I think is very needed and crucial change and it would possibly have long lasting effects.

    I think Pocket Legends is kind of stuck on its early stages and then there is these Powerful items mixed in, that honestly does not belong on early stages of Pocket Legends and they were the one reason that ruined how PvE was originally designed to be.
    Leveling experience needs to be steady through out of the whole game and it should not be too easy or fast for anyone: when leveling character through of the PvE.
    - Power items should be very limited on early game, and not that they are dominating the whole game and taking away the purpose of the whole PvE.

    Leveling needs to be that it feels comfortable for every starting players and they can feel like belonging to the game, so leveling needs to be same for everyone.
    It also is good to be solo friendly, and that you also have always change to die if you make a mistake, but there is also always room for other players to play with; which roughly was the original idea of the Pocket Legends and it also was success.
    - Which means that easiest first step to achieve this long lasting effect would be to change the baseline for EVERY current and future Power Pets to L80, which I think is very important factor to better success for Pocket Legends. Other option for this obviously would be logically decreasing Pet's statistics when using them on a lower level character, which then increases during the leveling. For this alternative option where Pets has decreased statistics on lower level characters, I'll suggest to make a level limit to L10.

    I think this change with Pets alone gives Pocket Legends stronger opportunity to survive in long term, but it's impossible to say anything beforehands.

    Then one obvious change is to change character's default speed to 1.5x or 2X and possibly increasing Item's basic statistics which would make a game more solo friendly and it would encourage new players to keep playing. But most importantly Quest Rewards needs to be increased.

    Obviously there is so much that should be thinked yet, and nothing would change over night, but it's just a good excuse to do changes quickly rather than later - only if Spacetime just have resources to keep working on the Pocket Legends, which understandably might also be the case that there just isn't enough resources to do anything; and if this is the case, I'll honor their decision to even still keep running those few Events yearly - but I just hope that Pocket Legends can see better days again in the future, as it has always had so much potential and regardless of what, I'll keep loving it.

    Ps. I acknowledge that this text is still quite unfinished and this subject is so much wider than this and there is so much I haven't thought of yet, but I hope that it includes some important thoughts.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Golem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkfor View Post

    Right at the start I want to honor Spacetime for doing what they are doing, as I can very well understand that it's not always easy and sometimes we need to make hard choices.
    I can't fully step into Spacetime's shoes on my thoughts, and as a player I'll try to be respectful and tell my concerns and I'll leave it up to you what you are going to do with my thoughts.
    I don't expect anything to happen, but I can always be hopeful, as I've always been towards Pocket Legends
    - and with this being said, I'm going to the subject.

    Oh yes, I've been actually quite inactive and I was just mainly thinking about the overall picture of the Pocket Legends in the past years, where my main concern is that those few Events that are still running are kind of the only thing that keeps Pocket Legends still rolling, but barely alive.

    So yes, you're right that it's also important to increase running regular Events through out of the year, so there is many matters that should need changes to actually revive the game in long term - and the issue I presented on my comment regarding of the broken early game seems equally important on my eyes.

    Of course logic can't give an ensured answers if any of changes would be a success or not in a long term and there for sure is multiple other things that should also be considered; but I think that we, as a players, can still think and give an quite solid answers for the question regarding of the stronger survival of the Pocket Legends -
    - which then leaves the question of whether Spacetime is still listening to us or not?
    - and most importantly, is there already any upcoming plans regarding to this specific matter on hand?

    Upgraded Leveling Experience:

    First of all, I'm the kind of person who is usually against the big changes and I love old Pocket Legends all of my heart - but we need to take into consideration that we are not living on 2014 anymore, which is hard truth and means that base leveling experience and progression should be upgraded somehow to today's standards, which I think is very needed and crucial change and it would possibly have long lasting effects.

    I think Pocket Legends is kind of stuck on its early stages and then there is these Powerful items mixed in, that honestly does not belong on early stages of Pocket Legends and they were the one reason that ruined how PvE was originally designed to be.
    Leveling experience needs to be steady through out of the whole game and it should not be too easy or fast for anyone: when leveling character through of the PvE.
    - Power items should be very limited on early game, and not that they are dominating the whole game and taking away the purpose of the whole PvE.

    Leveling needs to be that it feels comfortable for every starting players and they can feel like belonging to the game, so leveling needs to be same for everyone.
    It also is good to be solo friendly, and that you also have always change to die if you make a mistake, but there is also always room for other players to play with; which roughly was the original idea of the Pocket Legends and it also was success.
    - Which means that easiest first step to achieve this long lasting effect would be to change the baseline for EVERY current and future Power Pets to L80, which I think is very important factor to better success for Pocket Legends. Other option for this obviously would be logically decreasing Pet's statistics when using them on a lower level character, which then increases during the leveling. For this alternative option where Pets has decreased statistics on lower level characters, I'll suggest to make a level limit to L10.

    I think this change with Pets alone gives Pocket Legends stronger opportunity to survive in long term, but it's impossible to say anything beforehands.

    Then one obvious change is to change character's default speed to 1.5x or 2X and possibly increasing Item's basic statistics which would make a game more solo friendly and it would encourage new players to keep playing. But most importantly Quest Rewards needs to be increased.

    Obviously there is so much that should be thinked yet, and nothing would change over night, but it's just a good excuse to do changes quickly rather than later - only if Spacetime just have resources to keep working on the Pocket Legends, which understandably might also be the case that there just isn't enough resources to do anything; and if this is the case, I'll honor their decision to even still keep running those few Events yearly - but I just hope that Pocket Legends can see better days again in the future, as it has always had so much potential and regardless of what, I'll keep loving it.

    Ps. I acknowledge that this text is still quite unfinished and this subject is so much wider than this and there is so much I haven't thought of yet, but I hope that it includes some important thoughts.
    Ty man for your post!

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