1) The top 50 guilds by total achievement points make the list.
2) Only the top 500 characters in each guild that have played in the last 7 days are included.
3) Guilds are ranked by total achievement points.
4) We do not have guild ranks or information for any guild outside of the Top 50.
Ranking Guild Name Guild Creation Time Players Counted Total Points 1 (---) Bellum 2020-01-18 500 19,607,1052 (+1) Therapy 2022-12-30 500 17,935,0653 (-1) Entity 2015-06-13 500 17,876,4954 (---) Heavy 2023-12-27 500 14,415,8255 (+1) Souls 2024-04-18 500 10,157,6706 (-1) Chivalrous Union 2013-01-05 251 10,060,0357 (---) C A O S 2023-11-04 261 7,795,8358 (---) Optimus 2023-07-19 265 6,624,9009 (+2) Ripped 2022-03-26 388 5,449,26510 (-1) Sabo 2015-01-31 210 5,280,11511 (+1) Deviant Misfits 2013-01-16 126 5,151,80012 (+1) Reverse 2023-03-03 200 4,916,84513 (-3) Aide 2023-10-10 254 4,855,73514 (+1) Bishop 2023-10-03 208 3,984,62515 (+2) Hotel 2022-06-21 98 3,630,48516 (+2) Insane Asylem 2014-02-01 116 3,560,05517 (-3) Academy Brazil 2024-02-28 132 3,547,30518 (+1) Infierno 2021-09-26 100 3,237,53519 (+1) Last Executor 2024-05-30 97 2,972,56520 (-4) The Legends Of Mdm 2023-02-07 98 2,889,87021 (+15) I Lethal Sharks I 2016-03-12 131 2,701,42022 (---) Rebound 2024-06-27 196 2,448,60523 (+4) Inceptions 2020-11-28 80 2,237,32024 (-1) The Chosen Elites 2022-01-22 89 2,108,15025 (-4) Pinoy Rules 2013-11-11 81 2,096,15026 (---) Op Criminal 2020-07-10 73 2,072,27027 (-2) Extreme Legion 2014-12-30 62 1,896,98528 (+1) Genuine Ph 2020-06-06 78 1,896,54029 (-1) Soberanos 2024-06-17 84 1,680,88530 (+5) Blessing 2017-12-16 79 1,385,57031 (+6) Junge Garde 2023-03-12 56 1,384,44032 (+1) Astros 2022-10-15 46 1,353,81533 (-2) Blame 2023-12-17 67 1,344,11534 (+5) Solid Pinoy Rebels 2021-10-17 47 1,320,14535 (-5) Hardcores 2020-10-07 56 1,307,25036 (+2) React 2024-02-18 51 1,204,18537 (-3) Black Dragon 2024-05-30 60 1,156,95538 (-14) Luminary 2024-06-13 45 1,095,58539 (+2) Ro Alliance 2024-03-31 42 1,068,26040 (---) Goblin Slayer 2023-03-31 49 1,043,85041 (-9) Trust 2024-02-03 33 1,004,62542 (+4) Respawn 2020-08-28 27 988,85543 (+4) High Society 2013-12-31 21 922,68044 (-1) Nagaland 2023-12-04 28 860,88545 (---) Heaven Of Chaos 2024-01-08 32 855,38046 (+4) Hello Vn 2020-09-10 29 851,60547 (+2) Villain 2015-05-10 27 826,76548 (-5) Safe Zone 2023-10-27 24 816,93049 (-1) Future Star 2017-04-27 27 794,28050 (NEW) Endzeit 2023-08-18 31 764,070
Guilds listed in the previous week that didn't make this week: Adictos, Lebende Legende