Add me! My in-game name is... drum roll, please... Snakespeare. Right now I'm a mage 6, and can't get past Jarl. I was in there with two other mages and we died a lot and they left. Then a level 10 and level 11 warrior showed up and I stayed with them trying to heal as they bashed Jarl, but then Jarl killed me, and they died too, and after several tries, they also left. So I can't get out of the village. There's a city up ahead with a stash. I saw it in a dream but in that dream Delphina invited me to the city and I went there via the FR. I also seem to remember killing Jarl in that dream on two different toons, but neither was the blue blob I actually play. What a funny dream, lol! On the warrior toon, I dreamed I bought enough pots and used them and was able to kill him, but it was expensive. On the rogue toon, I kited him and my leopard bit him until he died. But in RL, I go there and get one-hit on a mage. So much for dreams. I also dreamed I could get a premium character, so it must have been prophetic since G now tells us they are on the way.

I feel like Dorothy waking up... "and you were there, and you, too"...