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Thread: Class

  1. #1
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    Default Class

    If you have a mage tank and rogue all on the same gear with lets say 3.5k Int Str or Dex all on same skill and knowledge level. Who would run the fastest all these maps mentioned below?

    Lets say i join the map and start attacking who is the fastest until Boss is killed too.

    In Winter Event, Lovecraft Event, Temple, Halloween, faction wars, ursoth event etc.

    Same with elite Maps:
    Elite zodias elite woods maps elite mauso etc.

    And then fastest on hedo rahab etc.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Junior Member GrandFool's Avatar
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    This is kinda difficult to answer friend. My hunch is that rogue will usually do better damage on most bosses, but will favor maps that have dense amounts of mobs. Mage can destroy 10 mobs at a time with the right load out no problem. Rogue isn’t really able to do that, but shadow pierce gives rogue a solid amount of movement that mages Gale doesn’t really compete with I don’t think.

    Generally speaking, I’d vote mage assuming you’re running with other players. If you’re 100% solo, maybe rogue might be a better fit. Mages versatility comes from a wide array of skill loadouts that do different things and can work amazingly with a party. Rogue is more of a one-trick-pony that just so happens to have a really strong single target load out.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Deathlyreaper's Avatar
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    Well this question is heavily dependent on the current weapons and their procs but Ill try my best to answer:

    Events/Mob maps
    Events/maps that require running fast and aggroing mobs where the mobs aren't too high on hp/defense, the best class for this is Warrior. Warriors can taunt mobs and attract mobs towards them. Their kraken aegis proc continuously pulls mobs and it has great damage. You can often see a warrior blasting through maps like Indigo caverns.

    The second option for this is Mage (but its really close they are like 95% as capable as warrior in my eyes). They have great damage and aoe that rivals the warrior. Why I put them as second is because they have less taunt and defense. The warrior's ability to taunt mobs and PULL them is such a great advantage. Where I see the Mage beating the warrior in this aspect is if the mobs have a higher hp/defese, I think the mage deals more damage overall so they could be faster than warrior in this aspect.

    Rogue for this aspect? Horrible AOE they can be good yes but they will be left behind for sure.

    Elite Maps
    I dont know who would win but its still a contest between Warrior and Mage especially if mobs are involved.

    Boss only maps like raha/hedo
    A lot of people say rogues win in this aspect, but honestly I think the mages win. Why? its because of their OP Curse skill. The damage that you deal against boss starts going crazy. Not to mention that curse benefits EVERYONE so a mage will always be welcomed in a party. But in terms of soloing these bosses then rogues win.
    As for warrior? they generally do very well in this map too with the current meta.

    There really isn't a big difference in performance between all 3 classes. To compare them all the order would be Mage(100%) > Rogue (97% as effective as Mage) > Warrior (95% as effective as Mage). IF you are with party. If we are just basing it off of pure damage output then Rogue (100%) > Mage (95% as effective as Rogue) > Warrior (90% as effective as Rogue). (I'm pulling these numbers out of thin air but this is my general feel of things).

    Overall I would recommend picking Warrior or Mage with the current meta. This is coming from a former mage player that switched to rogue 4 years ago that now wants to switch to warrior lol. Im frustrated with the rogue's ability to clear maps, and we don't even have that big of an advantage on bosses anymore. We also used to be useful in parties because there would be mobs with VERY high hp/defense that we target first while the mage and warrior clear the rest (please sts bring this back). But this isnt the case anymore. Where we MIGHT shine is in LB that requires high damage output on bosses (someone else who does LB please confirm).

  4. #4
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    As a rogue I can confirm. War seems to be best at the moment, mage most versatile.

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