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  1. #21
    Senior Member PatD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue. View Post
    Auras cover too much in game play.

    I know you are against this in general, but please make a change. If you want to force us to see all auras in town, fine, but as we play maps we cannot see tells, red zones, wind ups, procs, mob effects, and pools

    In fact some players don’t want to show their own set effects and auras for some of their own gear, but you also force ppl to see effects that even the players don’t want displayed!

    I’d like an option to de-clutter actual game play in any way shape or form
    Why not add control to all our effect and also put a "DIMMER"!

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    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    Why not add control to all our effect and also put a "DIMMER"!
    Please and thank you
    \m/____( >. < ‘ )____,\m/
    Chivalrous Union

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    - I would like to see more unique pets from animal kingdom. I can start naming missing ones, but well, i save paper. :-) Good stats pet can improve my gameplay experience, but well, i'll keep them in "vanity" section.
    - I have ran LB, where i was buying speed/dmg elixirs from elixirs menu (place where they cost 40k gold/ 2 plat). When my speed elixir was about to end i had to stop running, go to town or stay at spawn, go to my avatar elixirs and remove it from there to buy new one from elixirs menu to prevent situation of being without speed elixir during my run. Too many clicks that require me to stop. I would like to see X button to remove active elixir from elixir menu (at the end of timer). X button would allow me to keep running on PC and rebuying elixir at same time.
    - When i want to go to ELITE MAPS, initial map is always normal map. It is matter of 2 clicks only, but having checkbox where i pick Elite maps only would save me from 1 additional click. With Elite map checked i get Elite maps whenever i open World Map.
    - Checkbox with LB version of map with warning modal is annoying. (the modal is, remove it)
    - Global Trade chat. Entry fee 500k-1m with 15 min cd. Every message stays visible for 1 hr. So if i log in i see it in traders chat. If i relog, well, i see it again. After 1 hr it gets auto deleted. This way we probably can find items we are looking for without switching between Paradise Pier and Expedition maps like something...

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    Option to disable elixir visual effect.

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    Option to hide weapon vanity

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  9. #26
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    1- Remove eggs from Klaas treasure chests.

    2- Make it so that the companion daily quests (Barkley, Sheeba, Hedwig, Grimm, Sierra, Donatello, Kermut, Watson and Sigrun) only give eggs/legendary gear up to the player current lvl (Currently gear those quest give caps around lvl 16 and i've never seen a legendary one, and egg rewards are really rare).

    Note: The eggs i'm talking about is the species eggs, Barkley gives doggies, Sheeba kitties, Hedwing owlies, Grimm goaties, Sierra deeries (Currently Sierra gives no eggs whatsoever), Donatello turtlies, Kermut froggies, Watson doddies and Sigrun draggies.

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  10. #27
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    New section in LB

    - Country Leaderboard (APS ) / Best player per country with the most Aps

    Same reward as the class and global LB

    - Banner

    - Badge

    - Title

    Same colors and season numbers, only the logo would change to one of the planet

    - Guild Badge - All members can use it


    for every 10k Aps is a league example
    10k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    20k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    30k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    40k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    50k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    60k Aps ( LEAGUE OF XXX )
    70k Aps ( LEAGUE XXX )

    Each league is a different Badge N title ALL COLLECTABLE .

  11. #28
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    Default Auction QoL

    Currently when your auction search yields no results you get a prompt on the screen that needs to be closed before proceeding normally.

    While this only takes one click to close, it can be quite annoying and time consuming when you wanna do multiple searches in a short time. (especially when typos and mistaking the item slot are common)

    I think a great alternative would be displaying the “No Results” message in the first result slot or something like that, without the need of a prompt that you should close to continue to use the auction.

    Thank you!!

  12. #29
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    Rework the user interface, friends and guild, it seems outdated and not very functional to me, it only allows you to see 3 players on the screen, why not eliminate excessive borders, reduce the party invite size... etc to be able to see 9 players or even be 6. I leave here an example of before and after. Tysm!

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    We have a lot of low lv arc equipment (81-11)lv and anubis that can't be traded, if we can disintegrate them into awaken or have a new function "enhance equipment" using equipment to strengthen another equipment it will be more interesting and unused equipment will be used more usefully. That's my opinion, thanks developer!!!

  15. #31
    Junior Member Anchoret's Avatar
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    1) Switching gear and loadouts:

    A way to loadout gear into stash all at once would be super helpful. Currently, when I want to give my gear to my other rogue character on the same account, I have to click on my “gearless” loadout, then move items one at a time from my inventory into stash. Then reverse the process when I want the gear back on my main. No, I’m not rich enough to have 2x every item 😛

    2) Pet slotting costs

    Revamping pet slot opening and slotting would be soooo helpful. As others have said, being able to get only 10 story tokens per day makes it very limiting for us to be able to swap out pet slots based on which map we are running. Yes, red eggs have story tokens but it’s an unrealistic and unsustainable source. With more and more pets and specialized AAs, this is going to be more and more common an issue.

    One solution I see is to allow us to convert other currencies into story tokens, or give the option to use other currencies instead. I understand that story tokens are likely used because it’s the one currency that everyone can obtain, regardless of level, but that 10 per day limit is too limiting. At least make it a currency that lower level players can obtain, but that one can grind for, if they’re so inclined, like Hauntlet tokens.

    3) Badges and titles purchasable by various currencies

    Please consider creating badges and titles (the way you did for Vardan Valley, FF, and Zod) for all the currency types, e.g. Kaden in expedition camp could sell a Tindirin title and badge for dragkin teeth; Klassi in Garetta
    could sell a Glintstone title and badge for orc tags; Gage and Page in Glintstone town can sell badges and titles for Glintstone tokens and for Cryostar tokens respectively, etc. We’ve got piles of these tokens that we can’t do anything about.

    4) Make event tokens tradable

    Please consider allowing players to bundle up unused event tokens, and be able to sell them in auction or trade/give to other players. It’s super disappointing to have tried one’s best during an event, to amass enough tokens to buy a vanity, and then fall short because life happens, work gets busy, etc. Then you’re stuck with 3212 tokens when the cheapest thing in auction is 3500 😔. But you did all that grinding and now have literally nothing to show for it. I know many events have currency chests etc for low amounts of event tokens, but unless you’re going to add those to all event vendors, please allow us to sell our leftover tokens in say bundles of 50 etc., to either gift or sell.

    Thank you for listening!

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    Toggle HUD good for content creators. On and off removing everything from screen

    Minimap on side or somewhere not in middle.... Make it smaller but able to see everything

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  17. #33
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    I feel that it is something that has already been talked about a lot and it is an update to the prices and quantity of platinum and gold that you can buy for platinum, add micro payments to generate much more profit and those profits reinvest in advertising for the game to attract new players, in turn with more players who make micro payments they get more and can implement a battle pass that lasts as long as a season, with their respective rewards and adjust the amount of platinum For example
    1 dollar 10 pl
    $3 50 Platinum
    $5 100 Platinum
    $10 550 Platinum
    $20 1100 Platinum
    $50 2250 Platinum
    $100 5000 Platinum
    With prices like this, not only would the value of the elite awak and arc awak be more realistic, but it would invite more people to invest money in the game, both hc and normal.

    Currently the game has a lot of support from both new and veteran players and we like the game because we can leave for a while but in the end we always come back do not give up on making the game better every day, it is an incredible game and it has a lot of potential to be updated and another thing that we would greatly appreciate is Using accents in chat like this "más" We players who are not English speakers are very happy with this change
    Tysm all

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    Quote Originally Posted by hecathe View Post
    I feel that it is something that has already been talked about a lot and it is an update to the prices and quantity of platinum and gold that you can buy for platinum, add micro payments to generate much more profit and those profits reinvest in advertising for the game to attract new players, in turn with more players who make micro payments they get more and can implement a battle pass that lasts as long as a season, with their respective rewards and adjust the amount of platinum For example
    1 dollar 10 pl
    $3 50 Platinum
    $5 100 Platinum
    $10 550 Platinum
    $20 1100 Platinum
    $50 2250 Platinum
    $100 5000 Platinum
    With prices like this, not only would the value of the elite awak and arc awak be more realistic, but it would invite more people to invest money in the game, both hc and normal.

    Currently the game has a lot of support from both new and veteran players and we like the game because we can leave for a while but in the end we always come back do not give up on making the game better every day, it is an incredible game and it has a lot of potential to be updated and another thing that we would greatly appreciate is Using accents in chat like this "más" We players who are not English speakers are very happy with this change
    Tysm all
    Beautifully said... and I agree with the plat and price since most games have it like that

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  20. #35
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    As usual my suggestion is related to furniture/housing. In the link below I made 2 requests. One has been implemented and I'm very grateful:


    I would like for the second suggestion to also be added.

    Multi/Group selection of furniture

    When toggled on this will allow you to select multiple items. These items basically become a temporary group that you can move around. As far as rotation goes items in the group won't rotate on their individual axis, but rather from the groups center. Here is how it would look like:

    1) I want to move my lanterns and the title here to a different location, moving them 1 by 1 and rotating them individually again would be tedious. Thats where multi-select tool comes in.

    2) When selected you can select multiple objects and it puts them into a temporary group that you can move around. In this case I have selected both lamps and the title, thus putting them in a group.

    Extra notes:

    - This uses the existing UI. So clicking the [x] would remove the last selected item from the group
    - Rotating would be done using the groups center rather than the individual axis of items in the groups.
    - The purpose of this is to save time moving/rotating huge clusters of objects. I think anyone that decorates would agree that this would save them a lot of time and effort.

  21. #36
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    Some suggestions

    1) adding test dummy where player test their gear and pets. Also player can see preview their own stats display like dps, crit , dmg armor and etc.

    Player also able choose dummy according they own like mob , mini bos or bos but it only change stats not visual look.

    2) adding weekend fun and each week take turn weekend fun event open

    Hide and seek player turn into object and other player who arent object need to find those object in oder to win. ( open in shuyal map )

    Racing cart 7x player can participate with 3 map randomly choose or random generate like u do in ff map. Player racing each other in order to win with ice cart
    ( open in nord map )

    Realm abyss
    3 player different class need to defend stronghold from mob destroy it but this realm were overkill and tons mob coming endless. As counter it player were given over buff on cd skill and ulti shorten to eliminate the mobs
    ( open in cancel map or garetta )

    This encourage player to interact other map tht seems lesser player go there.

    3 ) for end game pvp to encourages them play by halt awake effect in those map this only made gear become basic and able compete against others . Just like normal map tdm and ctf. Perhaps is time add new ctf map ?

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    Keybinds for hotbar on pc would be nice to have

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  24. #38
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    Nerf fly lord orrick damage please it can 1 hit me as rog even with lvl 81 decent gear with pisces weapon.. and also the quest that you need to wear antignome set.. I cant find that set nowadays.. I'm a returnee player from lvl 56 cap.. currently I'm lvl 82 and theres not a lot of quest to lvl up unlike the old days..

  25. #39
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    Any chance of adding a catgeory menu for crafting ingredients like there is for weapon and consumables? It could have categories like jewels, recipes, boon items (items that give buffs like undying orb), keys, and ingredients.

  26. #40
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    Filter for Badge and title in CS, "own / not own" would be useful i guess, ty

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