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    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Default New Feature: Pet Evolution

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	al_pet_evolution_marquee.gif 
Views:	853 
Size:	5.71 MB 
ID:	271019

    In the next server (content) update, probably this Thursday, we will be releasing a new system, Pet Evolution. Pet evolution allows you 'train' your pets to obtain special bonuses for both you and your pet (but mostly your pet).

    Access pet evolution using the Evolution tab for your pet in the stable. Only pets with rarity Legendary and higher can be evolved.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	evolve.png 
Views:	1100 
Size:	250.4 KB 
ID:	271007


    Trainers are placed into the evolution slot. Your pet must have slots unlocked in order to slot a trainer. Unlock pet slots with Story Tokens. Pets can only use one trainer at a time, but a trainer can be replaced at any time. When you replace an existing trainer, you lose all progress for the trainer you are replacing and you also lose the trainer.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	trainer.png 
Views:	1099 
Size:	248.2 KB 
ID:	271010

    Although we plan on continually adding trainers, the trainers available for launch are:

    • Heroic Damage Trainer
    • Heroic Haste Trainer
    • Arcane Damage Trainer
    • Arcane Haste Trainer
    • Mythic Damage Trainer
    • Mythic Haste Trainer
    • Legendary Damage Trainer
    • Legendary Haste Trainer

    A full list of trainers, costs, and pet/player bonuses are listed below this post.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shards.png 
Views:	1026 
Size:	28.7 KB 
ID:	271008

    Pet Evolution Shards and Gold are used to evolve a pet. You'll need to use the pet evolution shard that matches to your pet's rarity (Legendary though Heroic). Arcanite pets use Arcane shards since Arcanite pets are Arcane rarity. The maximum limit for shards is 2000 and shards can be viewed in your satchel. The shards are:

    • Heroic Evolution Shard
    • Arcane Evolution Shard
    • Mythic Evolution Shard
    • Legendary Evolution Shard


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tiers.png 
Views:	1036 
Size:	42.0 KB 
ID:	271009

    A pet's maximum Tier is 7. Costs to evolve to the next pet tier increase per tier. Pet and optional player bonuses increase per tier. Tier icons are shown in the stable next to pet level. You can filter pets by tier, and the tier icon is shown next to your pets name in the game world.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	maximum.png 
Views:	1077 
Size:	246.9 KB 
ID:	271011

    Store and Events

    You can earn trainers and shards through gameplay and login rewards. Bound trainers, shards, and gold required for the next tier can be purchased inline with Platinum during the evolution process. Tradable trainer kits and tradable shard kits can be purchased from the "Pet Evolution" section of the Platinum Store during our "Pet Evolution Event". The first full week following the release of the pet evolution system will be considered a Pet Evolution Event. Subsequent runs of the Pet Evolution Event will occur similar to Item Awakening Events.

    Evolution kits available for purchase in the Platinum store are:

    • 100 Arcane Evolution Shards Kit (ST) for 100 Platinum
    • 100 Heroic Evolution Shards Kit (ST) for 100 Platinum
    • 100 Mythic Evolution Shards Kit (ST) for 100 Platinum
    • 100 Legendary Evolution Shards Kit (ST) for 100 Platinum
    • Arcane Damage Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Arcane Haste Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Heroic Damage Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Heroic Haste Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Mythic Damage Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Mythic Haste Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Legendary Damage Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum
    • Legendary Haste Trainer Kit (ST) for 50 Platinum

    Pet Evolution Browser

    The pet evolution browser allows you to view the tier costs and bonuses for all available trainers within the stable. Tap the browser button in the top right corner of the stable.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	browser.png 
Views:	1080 
Size:	99.5 KB 
ID:	271006


    There several new achievements for Pet Evolution:

    • 1 Tier 7 Pet (100 APs)
    • 5 Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 10 Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 20 Tier 7 Pets (200 APs)
    • 50 Tier 7 Pets (500 APs)
    • 100 Tier 7 Pets (1000 APs)
    • 200 Tier 7 Pets (1000 APs)
    • 10 Heroic Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 20 Heroic Tier 7 Pets (200 APs)
    • 10 Arcane Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 20 Arcane Tier 7 Pets (200 APs)
    • 10 Mythic Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 20 Mythic Tier 7 Pets (200 APs)
    • 10 Legendary Tier 7 Pets (100 APs)
    • 20 Legendary Tier 7 Pets (200 APs)

    Other Tidbits

    Story tokens and story token kits can now be purchased in the Platinum Store (Tokens section). We considered using another currency to unlock slots, but decided that sticking with Story Tokens allows players that are currently collecting them to use them.

    Bonuses only are applied when the pet is happy, so keep your pet fed!
    Last edited by asommers; 09-18-2024 at 11:01 AM.

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    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Arcane Damage Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 110 1,600,000 +50% Damage (Stacking)
    3 210 3,200,000 +5% Crit, +100% Damage (Stacking)
    4 320 4,700,000 +10% Crit, +5% Crit Damage, +150% Damage (Stacking)
    5 530 7,800,000 +15% Crit, +10% Crit Damage, +200% Damage (Stacking) +3 Damage
    6 850 12,500,000 +20% Crit, +15% Crit Damage, +300% Damage (Stacking) +4 Damage
    7 1,380 20,300,000 +25% Crit, +20% Crit Damage, +400% Damage (Stacking) +5 Damage

    Arcane Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 110 1,600,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste, +5% Arcane Ability Haste
    3 210 3,200,000 +10% Passive Ability Haste, +10% Arcane Ability Haste
    4 320 4,700,000 +15% Passive Ability Haste, +15% Arcane Ability Haste
    5 530 7,800,000 +20% Passive Ability Haste, +20% Arcane Ability Haste +2.5% Haste
    6 850 12,500,000 +25% Passive Ability Haste, +25% Arcane Ability Haste +5% Haste
    7 1,380 20,300,000 +30% Passive Ability Haste, +30% Arcane Ability Haste +10% Haste

    Heroic Damage Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 80 600,000 +50% Damage (Stacking)
    3 170 1,300,000 +100% Damage (Stacking)
    4 250 1,900,000 +5% Crit, +150% Damage (Stacking)
    5 420 3,100,000 +10% Crit, +200% Damage (Stacking) +2 Damage
    6 680 5,000,000 +15% Crit, +300% Damage (Stacking) +3 Damage
    7 1,100 8,100,000 +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking) +4 Damage

    Heroic Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 80 600,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste
    3 170 1,300,000 +5% Arcane Ability Haste, +10% Passive Ability Haste
    4 250 1,900,000 +10% Arcane Ability Haste, +15% Passive Ability Haste
    5 420 3,100,000 +15% Arcane Ability Haste, +20% Passive Ability Haste +2% Haste
    6 680 5,000,000 +20% Arcane Ability Haste, +25% Passive Ability Haste +4% Haste
    7 1,100 8,100,000 +25% Arcane Ability Haste, +30% Passive Ability Haste +8% Haste

    Mythic Damage Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 60 300,000 +50% Damage (Stacking)
    3 130 600,000 +100% Damage (Stacking)
    4 190 900,000 +150% Damage (Stacking)
    5 310 1,600,000 +200% Damage (Stacking)
    6 500 2,500,000 +300% Damage (Stacking) +2 Damage
    7 810 4,100,000 +400% Damage (Stacking) +3 Damage

    Mythic Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 60 300,000 +2.5% Passive Ability Haste, +2.5% Arcane Ability Haste
    3 130 600,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste, +5% Arcane Ability Haste
    4 190 900,000 +10% Passive Ability Haste, +10% Arcane Ability Haste
    5 310 1,600,000 +15% Passive Ability Haste, +15% Arcane Ability Haste
    6 500 2,500,000 +20% Passive Ability Haste, +20% Arcane Ability Haste +2.5% Haste
    7 810 4,100,000 +25% Passive Ability Haste, +25% Arcane Ability Haste +5% Haste

    Legendary Damage Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 40 200,000 +50% Damage (Stacking)
    3 80 300,000 +75% Damage (Stacking)
    4 120 500,000 +100% Damage (Stacking)
    5 200 800,000 +150% Damage (Stacking)
    6 330 1,300,000 +200% Damage (Stacking)
    7 530 2,000,000 +300% Damage (Stacking)

    Legendary Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 40 200,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste, +5% Arcane Ability Haste
    3 80 300,000 +7.5% Passive Ability Haste, +7.5% Arcane Ability Haste
    4 120 500,000 +10% Passive Ability Haste, +10% Arcane Ability Haste
    5 200 800,000 +12% Passive Ability Haste, +12% Arcane Ability Haste
    6 330 1,300,000 +15% Passive Ability Haste, +15% Arcane Ability Haste
    7 530 2,000,000 +20% Passive Ability Haste, +20% Arcane Ability Haste
    Last edited by asommers; 09-18-2024 at 10:48 AM. Reason: Updated various bonuses

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    Love it, nice new system

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    400% damage stacking applyed to pet? If he reach tier 7, no)

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    Wow very nice

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    Also i hope with the new stats pets would help players to kill a mob or something

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    Analyzing a little, the bonus is added to the pet's happiness bonus, right? because it would be strange to increase the haste of the pet's attack xd

    For example: Heroic Fun Guy HB: 90 primarity stat, 10 DEX,INT, STR, +25% critical damage, +30% damage, +20% nature resist.

    With the trainer level 7 damage would have bonus +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

    That means my heroic funguy would now have in HB

    New Heroic Funguy HB: 90 primarity stat, 10 DEX,INT, STR, +25% critical damage, +30% damage, +20% nature resist, +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

    is this correct?
    +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)
    +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Analyzing a little, the bonus is added to the pet's happiness bonus, right? because it would be strange to increase the haste of the pet's attack xd

    For example: Heroic Fun Guy HB: 90 primarity stat, 10 DEX,INT, STR, +25% critical damage, +30% damage, +20% nature resist.

    With the trainer level 7 damage would have bonus +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

    That means my heroic funguy would now have in HB

    New Heroic Funguy HB: 90 primarity stat, 10 DEX,INT, STR, +25% critical damage, +30% damage, +20% nature resist, +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

    is this correct?
    +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)
    +20% Crit, +400% Damage (Stacking)

    Sorry, I got it, ignore my post. That haste is like a cooldown reduction for the passive and arcane ability xd.

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    Do these changes seriously have to be released with so little time left in this season? People have been working hard all summer and might lose their lb spots to some 14 year old with his dad's Amex. It's an awful lot of p2p ap points, leaving people who genuinely love this game and play every day in the dust.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post

    Arcane Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 110 1,600,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste, +5% Arcane Ability Haste
    3 210 3,200,000 +10% Passive Ability Haste, +10% Arcane Ability Haste
    4 320 4,700,000 +15% Passive Ability Haste, +15% Arcane Ability Haste
    5 530 7,800,000 +20% Passive Ability Haste, +20% Arcane Ability Haste +2.5% Haste
    6 850 12,500,000 +25% Passive Ability Haste, +25% Arcane Ability Haste +5% Haste
    7 1,380 20,300,000 +30% Passive Ability Haste, +30% Arcane Ability Haste +10% Haste

    Heroic Haste Trainer

    Tier Shards Gold Pet Bonuses Player Bonuses
    2 80 600,000 +5% Passive Ability Haste
    3 170 1,300,000 +5% Arcane Ability Haste, +10% Passive Ability Haste
    4 250 1,900,000 +10% Arcane Ability Haste, +15% Passive Ability Haste
    5 420 3,100,000 +15% Arcane Ability Haste, +20% Passive Ability Haste
    6 680 5,000,000 +20% Arcane Ability Haste, +25% Passive Ability Haste
    7 1,100 8,100,000 +25% Arcane Ability Haste, +30% Passive Ability Haste
    There is not player bonuses for heroic haste trainer?

    [Gamer 🎮] [Public Loudspeaker 📢] [Forum adept 🔧] [Economist 💰] [Positive user 💡] [Verified Profile ✔️]

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    very nice letss goooo

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    So we need upwards of 2.3b to complete those aps?? Seriously?

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    Cinco what colour you gonna spec ur Ferrari after this battle for overall aps goes down for who can swipe there card more

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    more plat aps Zzzzz

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    Will this be same for both PvE and PvP?

    @Cinco @asommers

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    Last edited by asommers; 09-17-2024 at 11:48 PM. Reason: Removed original quoted text

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    Wow lol good work

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    Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
    Story tokens and story token kits can now be purchased in the Platinum Store (Tokens section)
    ¿Could the Story Token kits be added to the minstrel store vendor (Anabel)?

    When told that the next pet revamp would address the issue of LvL1/2 players not being able to get tokens through the minstrel i wasn't expecting the solution to be "Buy 50 tokens kits for 4M+" (I came up with the 4M price because inventory slots kits go for 7M+ and if i remember correctly those were worth 100 tokens).

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    Just to be clear, do we get Haste on using our AA or does the Haste affect the AA cooldown?

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    Awesome, adds pet hit to passif

    Sent from my vivo 1610 using Tapatalk

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