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Thread: Gear Resurgence

  1. #1
    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Post Gear Resurgence

    TLDR: The game is lacking in gear as time progress so here are a few items we’d like to see returned. Forgotten Bows level 10 15 17 19 20 and 23. Halloween Bone Helmet and Halloween Marrow Mantle DEX INT and STR levels 15 20 25 30 35 40 and 45. L40 HBTY Nine Lives Shield. Level 10 Black Friday weapons from the Xmas event. Hall Of Amulets as a permanent map.

    Now that PvP is seeing a bit of a resurgence between events I believe it’s time that we address the lack of active PvP gear in the game, especially with Halloween right around the corner. Currently where we sit there’s not enough items to go around for everyone interested in picking up PvP below 50, arguably 60+ for a reason I’ll state below. The following items that should be brought back, whether in the store for Platinum at a fair price or events, are as followed.

    -Halloween Bone Helmet and Halloween Marrow Mantle of the levels 15 20 30 35 40 and 45. Halloween Bone sets has had a history of returning during every Halloween event from 2013 when they were introduced to 2016 when they were removed from the drop table. A full 8 years, soon to be 9, has passed since these items were farmable so it makes sense why we are running low on them. I’d love, as well as all PvP players who are active or semi active, for Hallow sets to make a return as a event item but if that’s not worth the hassle then at least consider them as a permanent reward in the plat store.

    -Forgotten Weapons. Controversial take but forgotten weapons, specifically the bows, should see a resurgence in the plat store. The level 1 Forgotten bow has saw many purchases since their debut, which alone justifies bringing them back in the original levels that are needed. Unlike the Halloween Bone sets that dropped across multiple Halloween events over the years the Forgotten Treasures event was a one time thing. Thankfully though, the Forg weapons dropped so much in bulk in that one event that we never had a true shortage of them until recently. They have 0 collectors value so there’s nobody to actually argue against them returning. Forg bows level 10 15 17 19 20 and 23 should be considered resurgence.

    -L40 HBTY Nine Lives Shield. Not the biggest fan of what this item has done to 40-45 PvP but I’ll have to acknowledge that the zone is completely unplayable without it. The price tag on this Rare grade item alone was insane in the past, 100m pre inflation, but now I don’t even know if you can find them to purchase from other players. As I stated above. 40-45 is completely unplayable as long as this item is unobtainable to the player base, it’s that important. In the plat store it goes.

    -Level 10 Black Friday Weapons. 15-19 is currently the most active PvP zone in the game. We are seeing 4 full lobbies active at a once during peak hours. This type of activity has not been seen since Enchant PvP in 35 way back in 2019. This is a very good sign and keeps PvP players, and the few PvE players looking for things to do in between events, active. If you sit in Balefort Castle you’ll see constant quick chats of people looking for Black Friday Wands. In the CS the price tag on one of these weapons is roughly 12M which is absurdity for a Christmas event item that, if I’m not mistaken, returns annually. If we could have the drop rates upped a bit more during the Xmas event that would help keep them in constant circulation.

    -Hall Of Amulets. As far as I’m concerned this is no longer an event in circulation, which sucks because a few of those amulets are used in PvPing in 60-76. I know the shimmering shores has some of these amulets within the drop table but I feel as if making the Hall Of Amulets a permanent dungeon would be a better alternative.

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    Yess! Something like this would be cool we all loved the paws & evidence bracers & dolls and such for halloween! Of course the tinsel, toyman, and SBL for christmas were cool too. I’d love to see some things like that to help boost up pvp numbers in low levels.

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