Well shazzbott! I waited a whole week and a half to find someone online from the guild I wanted to join. Managed to get a screening, had to be told that was an interview, and ::shuffs a stubby blue toe on the ground:: I didn't make much of an impression on the warrior.
To be honest, I didn't realize the warrior was of such a high echelon -- I must admit when you are asking to be a part of a guild and then 2 other folks walk up and start talking to the warrior saying "great stats; you impress me; an honor to meet you" well -- folks like me get a rock in the tummy feeling and wonder -- "Oh my Blue Goddess! I had the audacity to ask to join this warrior's guild?"
Had to leave, and don't think I made the grade of the guild -- but I must say -- I think highly of them, and the person who interviewed me was polite, funny, and I would have loved to be a part of their family. I guess my response of "Well, I really like the name of your guild." wasn't too impressive. ::quack!::
So here I am, standing in Windmoor City just watching everyone pass by, and it occurred to me to put up a billet! HAH! FWZAAAPPPP! Oops, 'scuse that sometimes my magic goes off without my expecting it. Good thing it only scorched the grass over there.
Anyway, here's what Ark said to include:
Chiaroscuro (no I don't speak Italian)
I have no class. Er, wait, you what I am? Blue. ER ... I mean Mage.
Type of Guild:
Casual, with knowledgeable folks who don't give a fig that I am a tinky blue, funny eared widget that dies constantly and roleplays to her hearts content.
Other info:
Want to have fun.
No cussing. No smex talk, or inference -- PG 13 if you please.
In real life I'm an old fart and I've been there and done "all that", I want to be around folks who have a grand sense of humor, aren't sarcastic, and enjoy having a fun, silly time.
On at all times of the day/night, depending on my rl schedule. OK with any time zone.
And, no, I'm not someone who knows the ins-and-outs of the games.
Open to learning, particularly enjoy teamwork, finesse, and playing to have a good time.
What does Chiro bring to a guild?
A smile; the ability to die in a puff of smoke; and a penchant for hanging out at Windmoor Town because it was awful coming into the game not knowing how to do anything. Chiaro enjoys a good conversation. By the way, that's Frizz in the magic picture with Chiaro -- Frizz is great at making s'mores, it's all in the breath you know!
