Can we get answer maybe, is there intentions of buffing the belt? Because even when you do nerf kraken this belt will be useless.
Got the Brace,tested it. I like the proc, tho ppl say its weak compared to immo (i agree) still usefull item.
Could u do something about explosion part being late tho?
Long story short
- helmet is great
- armor is fine but proc rate is still bit questionable sometimes
- artifact is probably best piece out of all 6 items, its amazing
- belt's stats and proc as for item on its own really underwhelming and pretty useless, either change it or give a heavy buff cause even wrangler belt from 76 expansion outclasses it
- ring stat duration proc is too short (make it 10s at least), buff the stats of item itself as well, besides in general proc isn't really that phenomenal
- bracelet is same as with belt and ring, stats to fix, proc underwhelming, require buffs
3/3 arti helm armor are great, i havent tried the other pieces. But is there a bug that prevent the arti to proc? Especially on rogue. Many of my rogue friends felt that too. For example when kraken daggs already proc, it feels like arti is hard to proc, even tho it should be easier cuz of more damage deals on enemies. But the fact is, sometimes the arti didnt proc until the daggs proc runs out. Please check this matter, Thanks.
So i got bracelet and i'll put together feedback for pieces i have:
Great proc chance, did not see proc visual yet after weeks of usage, great proc for PvE, ok cooldown.
Great proc chance, decent proc visual, powerful and long lasting proc for PvE, ok cooldown.
Great proc chance, very cool proc visual, broken proc for PvE, ok cooldown.
BAD (wish i can sell)
Great proc chance, nice visual effect of red lightning, useless proc for PvE (sb set buff kills it) completely, ok cooldown.
Great proc chance, cool final explosion effect, worse than 81 bracelet in PvE, ok cooldown.
Result: Helm, Armor and Artifact should be used for 3/6 blood set for bonus stats.
- Belt's proc is completely useless, because sb set buff lasts longer and has higher dmg reduction.
- Bracelet is steamrolled with Immortal Bracelet (both stats and proc). In stats its 15% str, in proc its 20% crit dmg.
- Bracelet could be good for temple in 1 scenario: when you goof in wave and need to run to safety, i can imagine 4s push/stun might be handy there, but well, it does not stun all, so with my luck that one non-stunned enemy would insta-kill me anyway.
Both pieces provide % elemental damage and will get better once Blood weapons and amulet are out, but keep in mind not every single player of your game can buy full Blood set to have use for bad blood pieces. I am just guessing here weapons will make them good, but fact is they are bad on their own, so i would like to see some changes to both:
1. stats of belt are ok, but rework proc to be slighty better version of kraken belt proc.
2. improve both stats and proc of blood bracelet to be slighty better than immortal bracelet. +16% primary (+1% over immo) added to stat and +22% crit dmg (+2% over immo) added to proc would do.
Cómo puedo contactarme con algún gm,tengo un problema de recarga,pero por apoyo no encuentro solución y no me responden
Bonus info:
I tried to give a 2nd chance to new belt and bracelet so i picked map with a lots of enemies (cursed woods). Sorry to say, but belt has no use at all. Whether the proc was active or not, the effect was 0. Bracelet is the same. Proc description contains lots of fancy text, but stats of bracelet are way below stats of immortal one, and proc itself does not make much of a difference in fight. I see few lethality kills per map (remember, i had ran cursed woods with x3 minions), but it is nothing crazy. For significant number of lethality kills i would need to use more lethality % pieces (full set), but who wants to use weak set instead of high dmg set? Explosion part at the end is rather annoying, i am ready to finish mobs or proc bosses, but explosion pushes them miles away from me.
Helm, armor, artifact: big impact in battle, helm + armor provide speed, haste and dmg, artifsct itself is very strong to melt enemy.
Belt and Bracelet: very low impact in battle, belt has ok stats but no proc, bracelet has bad stats and proc, that does not change much in battle
Belt requires rework of proc, stats are good.
Bracelet is outperformed in both stats and proc by immortal bracelet. If you would buff at least stats to match those of immortal bracelet i would be satisfied.
I didn't like the idea of class specific equipment (ring, belt,artifact) on blood star , some people like mixing stats .
I hope you are right, because currently blood bracelet is worse than immo by big margin. I can see % elemental dmg in blood pieces, and i would not mind for full blood set (weapon included) to work as elemental set. In that case each blood piece would be important regardless of stats/ procs. Let's see.
i like the proc, makes me want to farm longer with this new gear