He means :
Its Bugged
He means
Its to weak
He means :
LvL86 Arc DONT give u 400+ Prim Stats ect.. .
He means:
LvL 86 should have be a better proc then lvl 81or minimum the same (with haste,speed, ect...) but isnt.
He means:
LvL 86 Arc is NOT a LvL81 Arc+
Its a Arc LvL86 and he have to feel like this.
And i mean:
Repair and Buff the LvL 86 Arc Armor otherwise this Arm make no sense to have it.
You dont need to explain me anything. LooL
I think You certainly haven't tested Arc 86 .
Thts why u cant constructiv criticism that Arm and dont understand what we meaning.
I know what u mean but the 3/3 set buff doesnt matter much (see 81/86 myth).
And That is not the current issue.
The Point is:
ITS ARC 86 and its weaker then Arc 81. Doesn't matter about the set buff.
Arc 86 is bugged .
(See above)
Ps.: I am always open to thematic constructive criticism.😉🤗
I see u didnt buff the Blood Star Armor and my question is why?
If the Armor domt get a buff,the Blood Set will only a Damage Set with the set bonus.Nothing else.
Please compare the Blood Star Armor with the Kraken Armor .
And please dont talk about 3/3set stats. Its not about stats . Its about the Proc from the Blood Arm.
Kraken have a way better proc. (the 100+ prim stats its nothing compared with the krak arm proc stats)
Its your goal to use kraken for proc, switch to Blood dmg set, ect..????in my opinion that makes no sence.😁.
And my next question for Helmet: is the Nature Cosmic Shadow Buff that really useable on the Blood Set ? (like Cosmic, Bio,... Sets?)
Shouldn't Arcane 86 Set be better ???
Question upon questions
That's why there is this thread🤗
Just adding some info that is worth to point:
*The stats that makes kraken proc "better" are limited(has cap): haste, crit.
*Those stats, together with speed, can all be found in the helm proc and in other sources, reaching their cap isn't a problem, so armor having haste proc, speed and crit is pointless
*I believe the decision to not make blood armor proc 4x damage or even 5x was a way to balance it, zaarus and spirit zodias nerf showed us that things will change, and a nerf to kraken probably is coming soon aswell.
*Others sources can be found to not make it broken and keep the game rhythm, like adding elemental damage to their stats or so.
I can't blame you all asking for op buffs, the way kraken was introduced was wrong, the distance that a kraken set has to an arc 76 set is notorious and problematic, keeping that same rhythm would just make procs having a must of at least 10x damage in 91 arcane gear.
I completely understand what you mean, But there is much more that can be inserted(Elemental Damage%,Armor%,Lethality%,Cd%,Health Restore% ,Ms%,Mitigation%,Dot dmg%,ect,ect,ect..in the proc.You now what i mean)and not everyone reaches the limits.
This is a very old topic about Zodias Weapons and has been ignored for years.STS said that they were done with the Zodias Weapons but they weren't.They Nerfed it and it was "ok".As I said, it's an very old topic .
Its much better to buff the Blood Arm Proc with 4xDmg,the above-mentioned stats and make adjustments to the opponents then a Kraken Nerf because Nobody has talked or discussed about it. On the contrary.It was and It's still great armor.
The distance from 76Arc Arm to 81 wasnt the Armor alone. It was the concept with !Zodias Weapons!(old topic).It wasnt that problematic as u say. I couldn't remember that this was or would have been such a problem. The Zodias Weapons was the problem ;D.
I can predict that if they nerf the Kraken Armor, they will lose their community completely.
The Community Is there for you STS .![]()
Please don't make wrong decisions
Ps : LvL 91 Arcane Armor would have x4,5/x5 Damage and not x10 XD soo funny XD
I don't ignore that at all.
I don't notice a big difference from 7 to 10 sec because no Opponent needs that 10 secs buff( but i know , its good to have 10 sec for whatever reason).
But please read carefully my posts ,then you know what i mean with the krak blood combinations ect .. ;p
The equipment set that combines the Armor, Helmet and the Artifact is very OP. Adding something like 4X damage to the Armor proc now would mean removing it when the Artifact releases (during the Harvest event) and that would be very upsetting. Adding other bonuses to the Armor that are going to be applied by the Helmet, the Artifact and the 3PC set bonus would mean removing them or nerfing them when all three pieces are available to combine.
I realize that we're asking a lot of our players to consider future equipment releases - but you have our commitment to accept feedback on these individual pieces and on the full suite. It would be best if we did not have to do any nerfing once that full 3PC set is available.
This is a very important point when considering what gears to combine and which of your Awakened / Upgraded pieces comprise your various sets.
The additional 3 seconds is really good for mob clear (especially while running solo) and it can make a big difference in Cursed. If you are running Hedo, Fly, etc. it doesn't mean quite as much ;-)
If a monster has 100 million health you will not notice a difference between dealing 10 Billion damage and dealing only 1 Billion damage. The monster will be instantly dead - and instant is instant no matter how much unnecessary damage you deal.
Players will always think that "nerf" means going from 4X to 0.0004X - and that isn't reasonable or fair.
Yes, the Kraken gear (not just the armor) will be reviewed in the near future for potential changes. My 10 Billion damage comment above is not an exaggeration; it's a deliberate understatement :-)
Tyvm for the Feedback ;*
Now my heart can beat slower again xD
BUT the problem is still the comparison Krak Arm vs Blood Armand i dont talk necessarily about 4xdmg, i talk about ms ,haste ,ect..(see above)what Krak have. 2xSpeed,Hasteis way more effective then 3 secs longer proc without that 2xSpeed,Haste.But I've already written all that in my other Posts . Pls read it carefully.
Last edited by Wortwechsel; 10-22-2024 at 10:56 AM.
The only one who needed an explaination is you, we heard the armor is part of a set, maby say it 5 more times to get it out of your system, seems like you love saying things that we know.
This thread is made for reporting bugs about the new arcanes, and share opinions of what we think about this armor, and yelling at anyone who shares his opinion make you look bad.
As I said, since you get mad, maby close your broswer and drink a cup of water, looks like you need it bud
Last edited by trueido; 10-22-2024 at 12:34 PM.
I mean for utility kraken is better no doubt. But when I just want to kill a boss, I do better with 86 armor. Boss skill and kraken weapons and elemental damage all outlast the 7 seconds of krak armor proc( just by one second to be fair) so they'll do more damage.( Only weapon, where I didn't find this useful was Nepta)
I wish they gave 86 armor some utility tho, by giving it anything but damage reflection tbh.
Also on mage I actually think kraken armor does more damage due to crit chance buff (especially with elemental set), which definitely seems weird and deserving of criticism xd.
+3 sec proc duration and +100 primary stat in blood armor is very handy in Indigo Caverns (map i prefer to play). Where kraken armor loses power, blood armor is just warming up. It allows me to go further with every proc making map quicker. I find it very powerful with charged attacks of rusk blade, minions fall off on my way to the boss. Vs mobs there is noticeable improvement over kraken armor. Vs bosses i did not see much of a difference between blood and kraken armor. I guess it depends on what i use, if i use say neptaris vs hedourah, kraken armor worked a little better for me (due to missing haste in blood armor). This will be truthy until blood helm is released. Actually i do think once new helm is out my kraken armor will be released from duty. Ty
Can you please improve the proc rate (sensitivity to proc) from the Blood Star Armor?