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Thread: If I was a developer, this is how I would have designed the "Elements"

  1. #1
    Senior Member trueido's Avatar
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    Default If I was a developer, this is how I would have designed the "Elements"

    Last year when I heard there are elements type of damage, I imagined something completly different..

    In other games I used to play, element damage always worked in a cycle, Element X beats Element Y, Element Y beats element Z, and element Z beats element X.

    this is how I would have designed it:

    The 3 Types of Main Elemenst:

    Name:  nature.PNG
Views: 311
Size:  6.8 KB
    Nature Maps:
    Mobs deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Water" elemental gears, and "Water" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Nature enemies, since water make them stronger.

    Name:  water.PNG
Views: 313
Size:  17.5 KB
    Water Maps:
    Deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Fire" elemental gears, and "Fire" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Water enemies, Water turns fire off.

    Name:  fire.PNG
Views: 310
Size:  11.2 KB
    Fire Maps:
    Deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Nature" elemental gears, and "Nature" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Fire enemies, since Fire burns can consume Nature.

    Special 4th Element: Cosmic
    Only Hedorah deals cosmic damage which is powerful against every other element type of gears, and even on a non element gears.

    Only Arcane 86 are based on Hedorah, and are made of his powerful cosmic damage.
    Using The Arcane Cosmic 86s Gears, Negate the effect of Hedorah, and allowes you to take a fight against Hedorah without dealing 25% Less damage and mitigation.

    Just wanted to share, thanks

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    Forum Adept Americanarmy's Avatar
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    Love this idea bump

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  4. #3
    Member Sue.'s Avatar
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    the problem for us players is that by introducing this mechanic we have several new sets behind a paywall
    and we would need all of them.
    also we need to awaken all these pieces, and the awaken system is flooded with more & more things we don’t want.
    things like more new types of damage & resistance

    but all in all i do like the paper scissors rock aspect when it works & doest cost us more and more
    \m/____( >. < ‘ )____,\m/
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    Senior Member PatD's Avatar
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    Imo those type of damage have been introduce way too late in the game, we are use to lot more simple mecha and those new dmg have only make the game more complicated and costly cuz of those new set, this is something that i have not enjoy at all!

  7. #5
    Senior Member trueido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue. View Post
    the problem for us players is that by introducing this mechanic we have several new sets behind a paywall
    and we would need all of them.
    also we need to awaken all these pieces, and the awaken system is flooded with more & more things we don’t want.
    things like more new types of damage & resistance

    but all in all i do like the paper scissors rock aspect when it works & doest cost us more and more
    Yeah, this is why if I would have designed it, I would have make many decent gears for F2P players.
    Like imagine, a piece of an elemental set for 20k points in halloween or every other event.

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    I used to wonder how good the game would be if there wasn't such an emphasis on lootboxes/gambling and that being the only way to obtain gear that you need.

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    Quote Originally Posted by trueido View Post
    Last year when I heard there are elements type of damage, I imagined something completly different..

    In other games I used to play, element damage always worked in a cycle, Element X beats Element Y, Element Y beats element Z, and element Z beats element X.

    this is how I would have designed it:

    The 3 Types of Main Elemenst:

    Name:  nature.PNG
Views: 311
Size:  6.8 KB
    Nature Maps:
    Mobs deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Water" elemental gears, and "Water" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Nature enemies, since water make them stronger.

    Name:  water.PNG
Views: 313
Size:  17.5 KB
    Water Maps:
    Deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Fire" elemental gears, and "Fire" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Water enemies, Water turns fire off.

    Name:  fire.PNG
Views: 310
Size:  11.2 KB
    Fire Maps:
    Deal 25% more damage to anyone with "Nature" elemental gears, and "Nature" elemental gears deal 25% less damage to Fire enemies, since Fire burns can consume Nature.

    Special 4th Element: Cosmic
    Only Hedorah deals cosmic damage which is powerful against every other element type of gears, and even on a non element gears.

    Only Arcane 86 are based on Hedorah, and are made of his powerful cosmic damage.
    Using The Arcane Cosmic 86s Gears, Negate the effect of Hedorah, and allowes you to take a fight against Hedorah without dealing 25% Less damage and mitigation.

    Just wanted to share, thanks
    Is not that good 25% damage is useless in this game. Better to make mobs for class. Like rogue can kill mob a, war/mage can do some damage to it but takes more time, etc. Or to add 3 mini for class same rog can kill it fast, mage/war slow etc. In this way we will see more team work and won t be like gauntlet where we need 3 each class.

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    -1 bad

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  12. #9
    Forum Adept Americanarmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switchback View Post
    I used to wonder how good the game would be if there wasn't such an emphasis on lootboxes/gambling and that being the only way to obtain gear that you need.
    I wish gears were hidden all over alor in old and new maps so people engage more in the maps currently most people just raid 1 dungeon or 1 map and sit at expidetion or pier map just to sell or talk trade or in guildhall and everything good is locked behind paywall why cant we have fun raid massive dungeons with 10-15 playes to compete for loot drops

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    Then we will need all 4 types of gears and image how much they will cost.

    I'm fine with now
    Ign: Brimstony

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    -1. Enough behind a pay wall as it is right now. Having the need to have multiple sets without a option will make it 50x harder to obtain a single piece of the multiple sets required. Cost + time won't be worth. Right now, kraken + SB + rusk clears 99% of maps. Now imagine a map like curse elder woods as normal farming maps demanding the need of set items with resistances involved, many would loose the ability to run maps in peace.

  15. #12
    Senior Member Darkrai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue. View Post
    the problem for us players is that by introducing this mechanic we have several new sets behind a paywall
    and we would need all of them.
    also we need to awaken all these pieces, and the awaken system is flooded with more & more things we don’t want.
    things like more new types of damage & resistance

    but all in all i do like the paper scissors rock aspect when it works & doest cost us more and more
    This sounds like an thing STS would be drooling over.


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