I got this idea from Vamp basically. I myself am split between various sts games and so are the majority of the community I think.
We hop from one game to the other and friends depart to one game and others to another. The community in these games are splitting up and that's because there are so many sts games to choose and invest in :-) Not a bad thing, its awesome to be able to choose what to play... But some games become deserted at times because of this (looking at PL & SL) Happend twice with DL and AL coming out. So to solidify your fan base of players how about creating one big cloud package.

A Game that combines all of your sts titles!! Let's try to explain this and Imagine:
We (the players) download Sts Legends from the Google play/ app store ect.
Load the massive installment files and game data ect.
Enter our login and usernames ect.
Then we enter a map like menu showing a galaxy with sts Legends title in the background with four worlds to choose from-
Pocket Legends, Star Legends, Dark Legends and Arcane Legends.
Here from this menu we can pick which world to play on then easily move to another world without having to log out ect.
Across the games we have the same account (if possible same usernames too) We also have a whole global guild chat and social friendlist and chat system available.
Imagine if your friend or guild member was talking to you while they were playing Dark Legends and you were playing Pocket Legends or Arcane Legends. How cool would that be? Them asking for help to beat a boss and you can jump into their World and game by a simple menu.
Plat would be kept in the cloud and universal between all the games like the original idea, now this could work because this is one big game in one installment instead of four separate ones.
It's up to the player if they decide which legend world to play and as each game now supports the new graphics engine and the same shared Techythingamajig system it should be easy to do all this :-)
Worlds will get patch updates available to them when the devs add new content or bug fixes to certain games/worlds.
As a whole I think the shared game cloud would help people keep playing and communicating with their friends and make new friends in the games/worlds they like to play in.
The Guildhall can be outside the worlds in the galaxy map too, where if we held a meeting or went to the guild hall portals in the games/worlds we will teleport and all meet up in the one shared guildhall. Imagine a Rogue avatar interacting with a Vampire avatar and a bear avatar dancing around an Engineer lol all in the one guild hall. It's not impossible but it will be hard work supporting the different character builds and animations to all share the same guild hall. But just Imagine anyway lol XD

Now that truly will be a community game, A Massive Multiplayer Online Game. One that will keep its players together.

If you like this idea please thank me or gives me thumbs up ect lol ^_^ I think its the future of STS and one they may have to concider when other MMO games come out eventually to keep the fan base and players happy.

Cheers All ^_^ Mitchturbo Rawks Like A Boss Lmao!!