The Rogue LB for Elite Elder Woods shows the top 1 player as 218,447 points. Yet on overalls its not visible. The top 2 spots on LB right now for Rogue were left as is since the Lb got Reset. Im pretty certain it has not been reset for some reason.
The Rogue LB for Elite Elder Woods shows the top 1 player as 218,447 points. Yet on overalls its not visible. The top 2 spots on LB right now for Rogue were left as is since the Lb got Reset. Im pretty certain it has not been reset for some reason.
Last edited by Futumsh; 11-11-2024 at 08:03 AM.
Not sure what happened for them to appear on one but not the other, but should be fixed now.
While that leaderboard does get cleared monthly, the scores are cumulative and do not as far as I'm aware, so people should just show up with their previous scores as they log in.
Last edited by Futumsh; 11-11-2024 at 09:14 AM.
So what had happened was right after the Lb got reset every class was at 0 except for the top 2 rogues as it is right now. It seemed like a bug since it did not show on overalls as well until you had fixed it recently. The first rogue had like 216k points and the second had like 167k or something around that if i can remember, just a few hours after the LB reset happened.