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I agree with the quoted statement. But why would a pvp player even want overpowered awakes? Isn't pvp supposed to be about skill, not wallet? There's already an immense gap between those who play casually and dedicated plat spenders/farmers in both pvp and pve. Those extra stats had no reason to exist in the first place, at least balance-wise. People complain about greedy sts, then ask for more broken mechanics they could purchase, and then feel surprised when less and less people play the game and pvp in particular (just a generalized statement, no offence to anyone). Sts made the right decision to cut off these broken awakes. It's a bummer that some of those are still around, but this change had to happen at some point. And with more powerful gear recently introduced, this problem will go away sooner rather than later. It's obviously not the best way to balance the system, but it's as good as it's going to get. Someone will get lucky (or just spend a fortune) and get those 8%, but 90% of the players will be at a reasonable power level.