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Thread: Really frustrated with the awakes

  1. #1
    Senior Member Candylicks's Avatar
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    Default Really frustrated with the awakes

    It seems like if you want BD or ED and even MS you can roll this. Yet base stats are now this nebulous awake on our gear. I could not get higher than 4%, despite spending an incredible amt on awake gems. I tried the elite and arc gems. Def arc gems are better but the best I rolled was 5% base stat one time. Even my lucky spot to awake was not happening.

    I would love for StS to try and tweak this a little bit so we can have some better awakes.

    Thoughts? Anyone come up with a good suggestion on some minor changes that StS might consider?

    I personally would like to see some of the useless awakes just removed from the mix.

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    Suggestions were made on feedback thread, but based on devs reply, removing "useless" awakens aren't something they're considering.
    Link for thread:

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dopein's Avatar
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    Useless awakes removed orrrr increased chances of getting stat awakes, both works

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    Suggestions were made on feedback thread, but based on devs reply, removing "useless" awakens aren't something they're considering.
    Link for thread:
    Then we should consider not buying their useless gems.
    I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
    Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.

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    Senior Member Darkrai's Avatar
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    Or.. this community needs to stand up for itself and not buy anything. It was clear that when they revealed the new awakes and everything that they wanted it to be harder to roll good awakes and have an excuse to sell you an even more expensive gems.

    STS as a company is literally the most greediest company ive ever seen. Im done pretending they are not. The community let this happen to them and now they are suprised pikachu face that this is happening to them.

    Maybe stop buying plat? Hurt them financially if you want your voices heard.

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    This w as the first thing said about it when they destroyed the awakening system:

    "A possible misconception will be awakening pool dilution, but based on how enhancements are rolled, this will not be an issue. We will be rolling for rarity first, and then select an awakening of that rarity. This way, the number of awakenings per rarity has no effect on the chance you'll receive a specific rarity."

  10. #7
    Senior Member PatD's Avatar
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    NGL The new awake system was a really bad thing, seem everyone have stop even tryin to get something good, it affect the game alot imo...

    I know they don't want to go back to old system but it was so much better and more fun for the players

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    We all can agree that arcane awakening has the same or even lower power than elite awakening of the old system, being just more expensive...

    The change in the awakening system was several steps backwards, and the same is happening with events, with changes that go against player feedback.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Candylicks View Post
    It seems like if you want BD or ED and even MS you can roll this. Yet base stats are now this nebulous awake on our gear. I could not get higher than 4%, despite spending an incredible amt on awake gems. I tried the elite and arc gems. Def arc gems are better but the best I rolled was 5% base stat one time. Even my lucky spot to awake was not happening.

    I would love for StS to try and tweak this a little bit so we can have some better awakes.

    Thoughts? Anyone come up with a good suggestion on some minor changes that StS might consider?

    I personally would like to see some of the useless awakes just removed from the mix.
    Listen awakes system is something that is made. Like if devs want gives best awakes like 8% stats in 10 arcane awakes, they just can change code of game. If i remember correctly there was a small 2 days awaken event. In that event almost got 80-90-100% gold on their venal pieces with blue awakes without spending more than 1k of these. So just keep an eye when you see that players get high stats on their gear, that means that awake event is friendly player. Also is not 100%, now depends how devs want. They have a small number of players that are "the hidden agents in the game" with unlimited information. You can see them in towns, the last end game runners who never sleep etc.

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    I agree the new system is painful but I will say this. Our expectations are the issue. What does it matter if 5% is the new 8%? I agree i want op awakes but if everyone is struggling to get 5, then 5 is the new standard, not 8. I hate it as much as anyone. Probably more since I'm not a lucky person. However, if it took me 200 gems to get 8% and now it takes 200 for 5 then it is what it is. They changes the standards and people don't like it. Including me.

    In my opinion maxing out stats isn't as useful as the right awakes for what you do. I know from experience that high str doesn't help as much as crit damage in pve. So if I can get crit damage and can't get high stats what's the difference? Same with the accessories. 20% elite damage is going to help more then 8% main stat in elite maps. Getting high stats is useful for some things but procs, skills, the right awakes and the right type of gear is even more useful. If any of you actually pvp I can see the complaint, but you don't, so why worry about the stats? I regularly see random wars nuke hedo with lower stats then me.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like the change either but I pvp

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Our expectations are the issue. What does it matter if 5% is the new 8%? I agree i want op awakes but if everyone is struggling to get 5, then 5 is the new standard, not 8.
    I agree with the quoted statement. But why would a pvp player even want overpowered awakes? Isn't pvp supposed to be about skill, not wallet? There's already an immense gap between those who play casually and dedicated plat spenders/farmers in both pvp and pve. Those extra stats had no reason to exist in the first place, at least balance-wise. People complain about greedy sts, then ask for more broken mechanics they could purchase, and then feel surprised when less and less people play the game and pvp in particular (just a generalized statement, no offence to anyone). Sts made the right decision to cut off these broken awakes. It's a bummer that some of those are still around, but this change had to happen at some point. And with more powerful gear recently introduced, this problem will go away sooner rather than later. It's obviously not the best way to balance the system, but it's as good as it's going to get. Someone will get lucky (or just spend a fortune) and get those 8%, but 90% of the players will be at a reasonable power level.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dreoelak View Post
    I agree with the quoted statement. But why would a pvp player even want overpowered awakes? Isn't pvp supposed to be about skill, not wallet? There's already an immense gap between those who play casually and dedicated plat spenders/farmers in both pvp and pve. Those extra stats had no reason to exist in the first place, at least balance-wise. People complain about greedy sts, then ask for more broken mechanics they could purchase, and then feel surprised when less and less people play the game and pvp in particular (just a generalized statement, no offence to anyone). Sts made the right decision to cut off these broken awakes. It's a bummer that some of those are still around, but this change had to happen at some point. And with more powerful gear recently introduced, this problem will go away sooner rather than later. It's obviously not the best way to balance the system, but it's as good as it's going to get. Someone will get lucky (or just spend a fortune) and get those 8%, but 90% of the players will be at a reasonable power level.
    Not everyone will get lucky to be honest. Of course Cinco staff or investors in this game will get the highest stats, so rest of us will be same as before, the farmers of the game. Don t think that those end game players spend something in the game, they just make others spend by beeing the end game players. This game is to make you loose, no matter what you do, just to loose, if you are normal player. If you Cinco staff you have anything in it. I know some of his staff making every single season accounts just to keep the game alive. Also these top guilds has same strategy, there are max 10 people who make accounts to keep them in top lb

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Not everyone will get lucky to be honest. Of course Cinco staff or investors in this game will get the highest stats, so rest of us will be same as before, the farmers of the game. Don t think that those end game players spend something in the game, they just make others spend by beeing the end game players. This game is to make you loose, no matter what you do, just to loose, if you are normal player. If you Cinco staff you have anything in it. I know some of his staff making every single season accounts just to keep the game alive. Also these top guilds has same strategy, there are max 10 people who make accounts to keep them in top lb
    Lol I love this guy

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Lol I love this guy
    that’s jus becuz YOU are one of Cincos paid players who secretly control the economy!

    Wake up sheeple!
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    I just spent 200+ on a 4% primary stat. Back then, I remember it wasn't that hard, maybe my luck was running out or what.

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    Same here to be honest even tho got once 4% 2% str but after plenty elite awakes

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    670 elites and the "best" roll was 4% +3 primary
    The economy has changed sure but even with arc awakes charging 2x price for worse odds then the old awake system with elite gems just feels bad.
    You ask for feedback show us you actually want it

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    Just got in 50 elite awakes 3%all 2%str 9%ms 15%bd so its good

  26. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by imfeared View Post
    670 elites and the "best" roll was 4% +3 primary
    The economy has changed sure but even with arc awakes charging 2x price for worse odds then the old awake system with elite gems just feels bad.
    You ask for feedback show us you actually want it
    Amen to that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrai View Post
    Or.. this community needs to stand up for itself and not buy anything. It was clear that when they revealed the new awakes and everything that they wanted it to be harder to roll good awakes and have an excuse to sell you an even more expensive gems.

    STS as a company is literally the most greediest company ive ever seen. Im done pretending they are not. The community let this happen to them and now they are suprised pikachu face that this is happening to them.

    Maybe stop buying plat? Hurt them financially if you want your voices heard.
    sir i can NOT have this app shut down after i spent a fortune

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