For what malicious maker set?
For what malicious maker set?
For what malicious set sir?
I swear but I see they don’t bother to reply to this type of comments … at treats give a flawless jewel for guaranteed or add a category of vanities separately from which u get one randomly … I don’t think anyone will smile seeing a kraken item popping up on their screen after they just spent 3000 plat
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That's aura look dope that what i want
Sent from my Infinix X6815C using Tapatalk
It would have more sense if ring was lootable from bosses aswell, so poorer players could get a cheaper version of speed set for themselves without struggling to get millions for stupid ring from lockeds.
The new furnishings are nice- love the lounger!
Players can loot 3/3 through normal event loot
the 4/4 doesnt add a ton more of ms anyways so still a good option
MAGE: GasPack
ROGUE: Trichomez
I would love to see in /stats how much movement speed multiplier i have. Not just final value. I assume movement speed multiplier is applied to base movement speed (base movement speed x movement speed multiplier). Am I correct @cinco? Or is it applied to stacking movement speed like damage multiplier is applied to stacking damage?
I'll be back.
Moving discussion to feedback thread (link) now that the event is live.