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  1. #1
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    Default New awakening gem types

    Hello STS devs,

    I am writing this suggestion as it is clear in the AL community that there is some discontentment with awakening, in particular with the probability of getting good awakens and the price this therefore costs to awaken items. Both of my separate ideas should still bring in profit for the game, whilst improving player satisfaction:

    Option A: option to remove certain awakens from roll possibility
    How I would think this would work well is as you increase the rarity of the awakening gem, you get an extra slot to remove an awakening from your roll possibilities. Removing an awaken possibility would mean you could state that you don’t want boss damage awakens, or pure dex awakens for example, and none of the possibilities for these would appear. So when using a blue gem, you can’t customise the awakening possibility, but with red awaken gems you get a single slot, and with green you get 2. This would delete a whole category from the awakening possibilities for these user so the rolls are slightly more likely to get what the player wants eventually. This would of course mean, for example, that pure dex and % dex are in separate categories, for example.

    Option B: specialised awakening gems
    This could require a huge revamp of awakening gems by probably removing the old ones, but this idea could just work as a new addition for the game.
    Specialised awakening gems would be more expensive than any other awakening gem in this instance. The divisions you could make for these specialised gems are plentiful too. For example:

    A “hunter” awakening gem:
    Has stat, damage, crit, crit damage awakening possibilities

    A “defender” awakening gem
    Has armor, hp, dodge, str

    A “farmer” awakening gem:
    Boss damage, elite damage, gold loot

    The addition of these awakening gems would make mixed awakenings, such as armor and stat for pvp, not possible. It would, however, allow players to get a specific awakening they are looking for.
    A specific “PVP” or “PVE” awakening gem could be released as well, giving awakenings favourable to the category labelled.

    Let me know what you think!

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  2. #2
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    -1 on ever bringing another type of awakening gem. The last introduction killed my faith in this idea.
    Tbh they had a good system only what 6 months ago. Just revert it and keep the arcane gems around for the best of the best odds I guess.
    My thoughts of course...

  3. #3
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    Option A: devs already said that they wont remove "useless" awakenings.
    Option B:
    Adding new gems is far from an adequate solution.

  4. #4
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    Doesent matter how much we r unhappy with the new awakening system, they wont change it, but your idea is very good for players, ofc everyone would love it, its just not something will ever happen.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    Option A: devs already said that they wont remove "useless" awakenings.
    Option B:
    Adding new gems is far from an adequate solution.
    This is something different to just simply removing the useless awakenings from the game, it keeps all awakening in the game, but you’re able to choose to not roll a certain category, so if you just pure dex, you can’t roll 1 dex but u also can’t roll 12 dex.

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  6. #6
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    I think adding more types of awakening gems doesn't provide a solution, it just makes things more complicated
    Although I appreciate your idea.

  7.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #7
    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Sorry, no plans to do this.


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