A dragon stirs when the cold winds blow. Syrillax is back for another year, but her brood continues to grow, and with it, the threat to Frozen Hope. The residents of Frozen Hope have opened their gates to all Arlorian heroes willing to take up arms against the dragons.
The Winter Event runs for 3 weeks from 12/12 to 1/2, with a 3 day cooldown.
This is an Energy Event. Energy Essence drops everywhere in the realm but the chances to loot are higher when fighting monsters at (or above) your level, and lower when fighting monsters below your level.
What's New?
- Brood Dragon will be available at all times!
- New Jewels!
- New Winterforged Item Set!
- Jewel and Awakening boss loot!
Notable differences week-by-week include:
+A new and different Level 86 Arcane Blood Star accessory is available each week in event crates. Open crates during all 3 weeks to collect all 3.
+Brood Dragon drops different loot per week.
+Different weekly Leaderboard rewards to collect.
+Different weekly Tier Rewards.
Blood Star Set Details:
Collecting the 3 Blood Star accessories throughout the Winter Event will contribute to the 3 and 6-piece Blood Star set bonuses.
3 items equipped: The cosmic power of the Blood Star gives you +30% Primary Stat, +20% Health, +20% Damage (stacking), +20% Movement Speed (stacking), +15% Critical Hit Damage, +10% Haste, and +10% resistance to Nature, Shadow, and Cosmic Damage.
6 items equipped: Additional Stats! +10% Primary Stat (+40% total), +5% Health (+25% total), +10% Damage (stacking, +30% total), +5% Movement Speed (stacking, +25% total), +5% Critical Hit Damage (+20% total), +5% Haste (+15% total), and +5% resistance to Nature, Shadow and Cosmic Damage (+15% resistance total).
Winterforged Set Details:
There are 8 pieces to the Winterforged set, available to craft during the Winter Event. Crafting each piece will require a piece of the Snowstorm Set. The Winterforged Set is an upgraded version of the Snowstorm Set with improved stats! Each piece of the Winterforged Set (minus the weapons) has a 5% chance to add the Hailstone Gem Freeze to an enemy on damage! Having all 8 pieces will grant the following bonuses...
Winter's Embrace: 8 items equipped: The Winter's Embrace provides +35% Primary Stat, +35% Speed (Stacking), +30% Health, +30% Mana, +30% Armor, +30% Damage (stacking), +20% Haste, +20% Critical Hit Damage. Winter's Embrace has an additional 10% chance of damage to add the Hailstone Gem Freeze to the target!
An 8/8 set will also unlock the "Fatal Frostbite" proc on Winterstorm weapons when the full 8/8 set is active! Charged attacks will afflict an enemy with Frostbite (if the proc is not on cooldown). Afflicted enemies take significant bonus damage from subsequent attacks. Increased bonus damage from charge attacks!
Note: Take advantage of the Hailstone Gem Freeze to a target by stacking the NEW Frostfire Gem with the Winterforged Set!
Winter Gift Tree
Don't forget to visit the Winter Gift Tree in Frozen Hope every day during the event to collect gifts!
Each daily gift pack will grant you:
+ 50 Pet Experience Kit (bound - open it to give 50 XP to your Summoned pet; doesn't open if the summoned pet is already at your level).
+ 500 Spirit XP (also bound - open to apply 500 Spirit XP to your equipped Spirit weapons).
+ 30 Minute Crafting Timer Speed-up.
+ 5 Legendary Evolution Shard
But you don't want to miss Christmas Day, where you'll get a special collection of great gifts!
Christmas Day (12/25):
+ 250 Winter Event Tokens
+ 1 Pet Level-up Ticket (can be used on any pet to set them to your character level).
+ 2hr Crafting Timer Speed-up.
+ 5000 Spirit XP.
+ 50 Story Tokens.
+ 5 Inventory Slot Kit (Bound).
+ 100 Mythic Evolution Shards.
Mount Spyr
Kick off the Winter Event by entering the Mount Spyr Pass portal. Fight bosses and baddies, earn tokens, and loot items and chests.
Most importantly, snag the Weak Flamestones and open chests that drop in the zone to earn Icy Dragon Scales. These will be instrumental in defeating Syrillax's brood later on.
Event Zone: The Brooding Grounds
Throughout the Winter Event, Syrillax's brood egg begins to stir and all Arlorian heroes must gather to defeat it before it gets out of control!
The egg resides in the Brooding Grounds, defeat the cracked egg and make sure what's inside doesn't leave those grounds. To enter you must craft the Dragon Flamestones. When you enter the zone, one Dragon Flamestone will be removed from your inventory, the egg will hatch and the fight will commence!

Meet... Frostfire!!
Frostfire will drop pet eggs and items (details below), so don't miss out!
For the more active farmers, you can purchase a special stash and trade-friendly hunter's elixir from the event vendor for 10 Platinum.
This elixir will provide 2x chances to loot, additional score points, exclusive access to vanity loot, decreased effects of frost damage, and increased damage in the Winter Event zones!
Elixir lasts for ten (10) minutes.
Boss Loot Summary
Standard Winter Event Boss Loot
- Frostfire's Winter Holiday Chest
- Ice Dragon Scale
- Weak Flamestone
- Locked Elder Woods Crates
- Epic equipment
Platinum Tier Winter Event Boss Loot
All of the aforementioned items
- Snowstorm Set Bracelet
- Snowstorm Set Ring
- Jewels (random quality ranging from Standard to Corrupted)
- Elite Awakening Gem Kit
- Vanity Snowstorm Bow, Gun, and Two-Handed Mace
Frostwyrm Brood Dragon Boss Loot
All event long, you can receive:
- Winter Badge
- Frostfire Gem
- Frostfire's Winter Holiday Chest
- Ice Dragon Scale
- Jewels (random quality ranging from Standard to Corrupted)
- Elite Awakening Gem Kit
There will also be rotating loot based on event week!
Week 1:
- Snowstorm Amulet
- Frostwyrm Egg (Legendary)
- Claus 9000 Helm
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
- Frostfire Bow, Gun, and Two-Handed Sword
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
Week 2:
- Snowstorm Helm
- Tinselhoof Egg (Legendary)
- Claus 9000 Armor
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
- Frostfire Chakram, Orb, and Chain Sword
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
Week 3:
- Snowstorm Armor
- Scorchling and Frostling Egg (Legendary)
- Claus 9000 Wings
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
- Frostfire Daggers, Staff, Sword and Shield
[Farmer's Elixir Only]
Claus 9000 Set
Frostfire Weapon Set
Tier Rewards
Remember, with the event taking place in 3 individual weeks, tiers will reset and have refreshed rewards each week!
Bronze Tier - 320 Points
+ Frostfire's Pike Cloth Banner (Wk 1) / Frostfire Phoenix Cloth Banner (Wk 2) / Tree of Life Cloth Banner (Wk 3)
Silver Tier - 1,425 Points
+ Keeper of the Frostfire Title (Wk 1) / Snowfall Sovereign Title (Wk 2) / Blizzard Bearer Title (Wk 3)

+ 2x Frosfires's Winter Holiday Chest
Gold Tier - 5,905 Points
+ 5 Awakening Gems
+ Frostfire Hunter's Elixir Pack
+ Frostwyrm (Pet) (Wk 1) / Tinselhoof (Pet) (Wk 2) / Scorchling and Frostling (Pet) (Wk 3)
Platinum Tier - 16,150 Points
+ 10 Awakening Gems
+ 4x Frostwyrm Hunter's Elixir Pack
+ Jewel Chest
+ Frostfire Wisp (Wk 1) / Winter Sleigh Wisp (Wk 2) / Candy Cane Wisp (Wk 3)
+ Eye of Frostwyrm (crafting component)
Special Jewel: the Eye of Frostwyrm!
Purchase a recipe to craft the Jewel from the Winter Token Vendor. Use the "Eye of Frostwyrm" crafting component to create the Eye of Frostwyrm Jewel!
Requires Level 71
Adds +12 to your Primary Stat, and +5 Damage.
If you gain a Critical Success while socketing this jewel you'll also get:
+2.5% Critical Hit Damage!
Leaderboard Rewards
If you're the competitive type, run for your spot on the Winter Event leaderboards! The players with the most points at the end of each week will receive prestigious vanities and rewards!
Top 5
+ Frostfire Badge (Wk 1) / Holiday Stocking Badge (Wk 2) / Tree of Life Badge (Wk 3)
+ Heroic Frostwyrm Egg (Wk 1) / Heroic Tinselhoof Egg (Wk 2) / Heroic Scorchling and Frostling Egg (Wk 3)
These Heroic Eggs are Leaderboard exclusives and can't be looted anywhere else!
+ Frostfire's Pike Banner (Wk 1) / Frostfire Phoenix Banner (Wk 2) / Tree of Life Banner (Wk 3)
+ Frostfire Halo (Wk 1) / Candy Cane Halo (Wk 2) / Holly Wreath Halo (Wk 3)
+ 50 Crate Keys
+ Corrupted Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)
+ 50 Bound Elite Awakening Gems
Top 25
+ 25 Crate Keys
+ Flawless Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)
+ 10 Bound Elite Awakening Gems
+ Frostfire's Pike Banner (Wk 1) / Frostfire Phoenix Banner (Wk 2) / Tree of Life Banner (Wk 3)
+ Frostfire Halo (Wk 1) / Candy Cane Halo (Wk 2) / Holly Wreath Halo (Wk 3)
Top 50
+ 25 Crate Keys
+ Precise Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)
+ 10 Bound Elite Awakening Gems
+ Frostfire's Pike Banner (Wk 1) / Frostfire Phoenix Banner (Wk 2) / Tree of Life Banner (Wk 3)
Winter Vendor
When you beat bosses and complete quests in the Winter Event zones, you'll earn Frozen Hope Tokens. These can be exchanged in the quest hub for valuable items!
As always, you'll be able to use Platinum to purchase extra Energy Kits, Tokens, Crates, and the Frostfire Hunter's Elixir, but let's get to the good stuff.
+ 50 Frozen Hope Tokens
+ 200 Frozen Hope Tokens
+ 5 Event Energy Kits Bundle
+ Recipe: Dragon Flamestone
+ Recipe: Massive Locked Frostfire Crate (I / II / III)
+ Recipe: Snowstorm Set Artifact
+ Recipe: Enchanted Eye of Frostwyrm
+ Frostfire Hunter's Elixir
+ Snowstorm Set Belt
+ Hailstone Gem
+ Frostfire's Winter Currency Chest
+ Gingerbread Knight Armor and Helm (Wk 1) / Gingerbread Knight Weapons (Wk 2) / Gingerbread Knight Wings (Wk 3)
+ Locked Frostfire Crate (I / II / III)
+ Class-Specific Locked Frostfire Crate (I / II / III)
+ Locked Frostfire Vanity Crate
+ Frostfire Table
+ Frostfire Chair
+ Frostfire Lantern
+ Frostfire Hotpot
You'll also find new Frozen Hope decor in the House Furniture Store!
+ Frozen Hope Banner
+ Frozen Hope Tent
+ Frozen Hope Totems
Locked Crates
The Winter 2024 Crates have a chance to drop 3 brand new Lv 86 Arcane accessories, available across all 3 weekly crates:
Frostfire's Locked Crates:
- Level 81 Arcane Gear
- Level 86 Mythic Gear
- Snowstorm Set Weapons (Chakram, Orb, Chainsword, Bow, Gun, and Two-Handed Mace)
- [NEW] Level 86 Blood Star Belt (Wk 1)
- [NEW] Level 86 Blood Star Ring (Wk 2)
- [NEW] Level 86 Blood Star Bracelet (Wk 3)
Guaranteed Loot!
Locked Winter Event Crates offer Guaranteed Level 81 Loot and Unique Badges each week!
We have removed the Level 81 Helmets and Rings from guaranteed loot.
Week 1 - the "Frostfire Badge:"
Week 2: the "Frostfire Phoenix Badge:"
Week 3: the "Holiday Bells Badge:"
Locked Frostfire Vanity Crate:
- Frostfire Armor and Helm
- Frostfire Wings
- Winterhaze Aura
Store Sales
Looking for a deal? Here are the scheduled store sales for the holidays:
12/12 - 1/2 - Holiday Jewel Chest
12/12 - 1/2 - Gold Loot Sets (Including new Lv. 86 set!)
12/14 - 12/15 - Frostfire Aura
12/21 - 12/22 - Winter Wonderland Aura (This unique aura has an idle and a running appearance!)
12/22 - Crate Keys
12/25 - GOLD SALE!
12/28 - 12/29 - Arctic Sigils Aura
Scavenger Hunt
Lastly, complete the Winter Scavenger Hunt by collecting the required items to obtain the Frosty Finder Badge and Frosty Finder Title!
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday season from all of us at Spacetime Studios!