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Thread: Why there are not buyers anymore in this game?

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    Default Why there are not buyers anymore in this game?

    What just happen? Why everyone sell things, leaderboard things rare items and practically there are no buyers. In this event we got hidden loot, that some of old players could use it to manipulate their prices, but because some looted them and made it public their drops practically increase, so now noone wants them. I remember siafara daggers has been manipulated like this. Do Cinco increase the drop on purpose of Yuliana Vanities when they appear on public?
    Also i see in towns leaderboard runners have problems for selling their leaderboard rewards once they pass the event. Basically after an event ends, if you get top rewards you have 1-2 days to fast sell them, if you can, or you will have forever in your inbox or the buyer will have in the inbox.
    So there are no more trades in Arcane Legends as it was before, and people don t get manipulate too easy like they got before once the bound leaderboard ended.
    Also new blood set. The artifact is way overpriced and the helm and armor are way too common, since a person has 3-4 pieces of it and try sell in auction. So for this reason people don t prefer spend on fhis because for some crates are really trade friendly, and for others are just a waste.

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    And the trader market forum also, it takes soooooooo long to find a buyer or seller. AL Community is dying

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    The things you said about hidden loot makes no sense to me, the vanity weapons are still rare, we still can't see many for sales, also it may not supposed to be as rare as you wanted it to be..

    As a person who has a close relationship with the market of this game, I can say that the lack of buyers is caused by the seller himself. Everyday I see sellers with no auto price, which is something that has even stopped me from buying... Sometimes it seems to me that the seller doesn't want to sell, just take offers. It's ok to take offers, but sellers are doing that for items that has a stable price in the market, or take ages to decide an auto. The phrase "taking offers" makes me give up buying.

    Lb vanitys aren't selling not due lack of buyers, there are alot of people who would like to have them. What happens is that there are sellers who think that these sets are as important as a medusa/ghost/frank set (that's what their auto looks like). The constant delivery of tradeable leaderboards sets diminishes the importance of the word "leaderboards" which directly affects its value. Another factor is also the manipulation of fake c.o(which is constantly seen on the trade forum).

    Blood artifact is way too good when compared to kraken artifact, we can't say the same about armor and helm pieces, which together give the power of a kraken armor alone. Also the artifact came in events that lockeds aren't good/worthy to open, winter is coming and there the artifact might drop by a good amount.

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    The things you said about hidden loot makes no sense to me, the vanity weapons are still rare, we still can't see many for sales, also it may not supposed to be as rare as you wanted it to be..

    As a person who has a close relationship with the market of this game, I can say that the lack of buyers is caused by the seller himself. Everyday I see sellers with no auto price, which is something that has even stopped me from buying... Sometimes it seems to me that the seller doesn't want to sell, just take offers. It's ok to take offers, but sellers are doing that for items that has a stable price in the market, or take ages to decide an auto. The phrase "taking offers" makes me give up buying.

    Lb vanitys aren't selling not due lack of buyers, there are alot of people who would like to have them. What happens is that there are sellers who think that these sets are as important as a medusa/ghost/frank set (that's what their auto looks like). The constant delivery of tradeable leaderboards sets diminishes the importance of the word "leaderboards" which directly affects its value. Another factor is also the manipulation of fake c.o(which is constantly seen on the trade forum).

    Blood artifact is way too good when compared to kraken artifact, we can't say the same about armor and helm pieces, which together give the power of a kraken armor alone. Also the artifact came in events that lockeds aren't good/worthy to open, winter is coming and there the artifact might drop by a good amount.
    This apply to the new vanity also, same problem people think worth a lot but noone buy it, make any offer for it, so basically is just another useless vanity like many others.. Also i see many try manipulate maliscious set but that set is the most useless set in game. Like it won t make you have more speed. I believe Cinco need fix the market, buy buying some stuff and set some prices behinde the eyes of people.

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    If I had to guess it's due to low player activity and Christmas is around the corner.

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    The purpose of saying offer is hoping the buyer would go higher
    than what you planned to sell it.
    The purpose of asking for price is hoping the seller would sell
    lower than your budget

    This guessing mindgame is honestly just super annoying
    and makes trading a nightmare.
    Its like the word "offer" replaced common greeting words between sales,
    Which is straight up tragic, and it only happens in AL community.
    Just makes the conversation unfriendly in general

    ign Battling /irg /answer
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    Well, I will use those terms when I have no idea what an item is worth. I won't set an auto until I have some type of feed back on what I'm attempting to buy/sell. Not that I'm trying to get more or less, I'm just clueless. Sometimes you can make an educated guess but thats all it is. A guess. Unless you are buying/selling whatever the new thing is it can be hard to set a price. for example, I have dozens of older vanity sets from events that span close to 10 years. Can't find a price in cs and no one puts prices on the forum anymore. I know they aren't worth a ton but what are they worth? For those of you that actually follow these things you might know but I have no idea. So yes, I'll ask for offers and if it sounds good I'll sell. If not I keep looking.

    I agree overall it's hard to buy/sell now. All anyone wants is the new things and not everyone can buy them. Inflation is out of control, for gold and plat. Need to spend over 100$ every week on the game these days...that isn't sustainable. Winter will have something new everyone wants and will be a ridiculously hard drop. 1b gold or hundreds in plat. Again and again and again. It's getting old.

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    Myself take offers on items that I have no idea or aren't common in the market and that's ok! But people are doing that with everything, even with cheap items...

    Searching prices in forum became harder, no one has auto, no one posts how much the item sold and so on..

    It's good to see this topic being discussed because it's something I have noticed nowadays, and probably something that lasts, but STS can't do anything about that, this would be an economic intervention that they themselves tend to avoid, So it's up to us as a community to improve the marketing the way we can.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Well, I will use those terms when I have no idea what an item is worth. I won't set an auto until I have some type of feed back on what I'm attempting to buy/sell. Not that I'm trying to get more or less, I'm just clueless. Sometimes you can make an educated guess but thats all it is. A guess. Unless you are buying/selling whatever the new thing is it can be hard to set a price. for example, I have dozens of older vanity sets from events that span close to 10 years. Can't find a price in cs and no one puts prices on the forum anymore. I know they aren't worth a ton but what are they worth? For those of you that actually follow these things you might know but I have no idea. So yes, I'll ask for offers and if it sounds good I'll sell. If not I keep looking.

    I agree overall it's hard to buy/sell now. All anyone wants is the new things and not everyone can buy them. Inflation is out of control, for gold and plat. Need to spend over 100$ every week on the game these days...that isn't sustainable. Winter will have something new everyone wants and will be a ridiculously hard drop. 1b gold or hundreds in plat. Again and again and again. It's getting old.
    Even if you need to use 100$ a week for the new staff, next week that thing you just buyed drop in value, or even worst loose his value so leading into no buyers for it. Let s take new gear, let s say you invest 100$ you get 1-2 piece of blood item, so you want sell it, but other people open crates also so don t wanna buy, you end up with blood items in your inventory. Mid range players don t afford buy them, end game players don t buy them just because they use keys and get more blood items so this item becomes without value, setting at a lower price than the sellers think there should be. Also leaderboard rewards if there are vanity people just don t want them, because the range price is around 1b so they are useless.
    If we take the time you spend to get those lb rewards, and the drop of value of those better, i would just close the game.

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    The things you said about hidden loot makes no sense to me, the vanity weapons are still rare, we still can't see many for sales, also it may not supposed to be as rare as you wanted it to be..

    As a person who has a close relationship with the market of this game, I can say that the lack of buyers is caused by the seller himself. Everyday I see sellers with no auto price, which is something that has even stopped me from buying... Sometimes it seems to me that the seller doesn't want to sell, just take offers. It's ok to take offers, but sellers are doing that for items that has a stable price in the market, or take ages to decide an auto. The phrase "taking offers" makes me give up buying.

    Lb vanitys aren't selling not due lack of buyers, there are alot of people who would like to have them. What happens is that there are sellers who think that these sets are as important as a medusa/ghost/frank set (that's what their auto looks like). The constant delivery of tradeable leaderboards sets diminishes the importance of the word "leaderboards" which directly affects its value. Another factor is also the manipulation of fake c.o(which is constantly seen on the trade forum).

    Blood artifact is way too good when compared to kraken artifact, we can't say the same about armor and helm pieces, which together give the power of a kraken armor alone. Also the artifact came in events that lockeds aren't good/worthy to open, winter is coming and there the artifact might drop by a good amount.
    “there are sellers who think that these sets are as important as a medusa/ghost/frank set”

    Lets emphasize this one..

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    To be honest ...

    Everything i sold so far even last days was sold fast with reasonable price ...
    Including sacred sentinel set R ... I just dont answer on "whats your auto" like many which endes 1.5b c/o 1b like on forum and meantime set stands in auction for 800m ....
    Be real and set auto no manipulation things or setting c/o of your own twink so people ask for it .....

    Everything gets sold when you are real in head and positive ..

    I even made good friends with some of very good players and sellers also socalled "manipulators"
    With guys writing me "i like you,direct if u want something u buy it and when u sell u sell with auto and time no changing price"

    Simple as that

    This game can teach you some real life things !!!!

    And money isnt worth a s*** !!!!!

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    Over pricing things and then expecting it to get sold is not the best strat. Plat spenders usually have enough in game gold to buy all the things they would like to. The market revolves around the f2p players grinding to get stuff. Overpricing just kills the mood to buy any item considered OP or nice.

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    I can't imagine how new ftp players raise the gold they need. Hundreds of millions qith new stuff all the time. By the time you farm enough gold the gear is outdated.

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    1- Yuliana Vanities are ugly, they don't even have vfx, for that reason are cheap (when sts release vanities like blood weapons, it would be diferent)
    2- Please write better, your sentence has no commas or full stops
    3- I have sold this month of November, and so far in December, 70% of the things, incluiding lb

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    1) Yuliana vanities are ugly. They don’t even have VFX and for that reason they’re cheap. (When STS releases vanities like Blood weapons, it will be different.)

    2) Please, write better. Your sentences have neither commas nor full stops.

    3) I have sold 70% of the things in November and December so far.

    There you go mate.
    Keep in mind that, in order to criticise someone’s grammar, yours is supposed to be perfect in the first place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    I can't imagine how new ftp players raise the gold they need. Hundreds of millions qith new stuff all the time. By the time you farm enough gold the gear is outdated.
    I ask myself how do new players do that aswell... If I had to re-start the game with nothing, the same way the game is right now, I would rather not even start.

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    I ask myself how do new players do that aswell... If I had to re-start the game with nothing, the same way the game is right now, I would rather not even start.
    i agree with you, i imagining starting from zero and the struggle would be insane without buying plats.

    bad part is anything 'new starter' related benefit features will be insanely abused.

    Just a Gammer like as you all ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    I ask myself how do new players do that aswell... If I had to re-start the game with nothing, the same way the game is right now, I would rather not even start.
    Maybe it’s something STS needs to ponder. I started July this year, and had to spend around 80k+ platinums. I had to rely on real money to actually start and flipping gold through milking elixirs in auction or merching. Not every player is willing to do this.

    The bosses up there needs to think of better ways to bring in new players which isn’t heavily reliant on platinum and gold.

    This game became a vicious vice for me..

    Vanities are so pretty by the way! Keep it up team.

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    Good gear should be cheap, excellent gear should be expensive
    Maps should be doable with good gear, and faster with best gear.

    There should be more ways to earn gold that goldloot, as maps are basically
    trash without gl and a gl set is extra cost that aren't cheap.
    So you often see players that afk, or as good as if they are afk in indigo.
    Because to they save up for gl gear by leeching others, but they have no choice

    Lack of buyers ultimately is a result of not having enough players
    The ridiculous cost to have decent gear basically yalls
    "Pay or gtfo" right in the face of a new player. Some would pay, but most will not

    ign Battling /irg /answer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irg View Post
    The purpose of saying offer is hoping the buyer would go higher
    than what you planned to sell it.
    The purpose of asking for price is hoping the seller would sell
    lower than your budget

    This guessing mindgame is honestly just super annoying
    and makes trading a nightmare.
    Its like the word "offer" replaced common greeting words between sales,
    Which is straight up tragic, and it only happens in AL community.
    Just makes the conversation unfriendly in general

    Dam 🦫 bro nailed 💅 it

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