+1 hella hard due to not buying recipes like normal, even 400 runs in
+1 hella hard due to not buying recipes like normal, even 400 runs in
HATE - weekly resets, dang can't even do one week completely. I need a choice, 1 week that I can choose from. my time is a weee bit limited.
Dislike - why can't I buy these vanity sets bound with plat....i cant afford 300mil + for these sets.
- recipes need a gold variant, not tokens, I'm trying to save to buy stuff. and even those pieces are high
- some players are OP and kill the boss when I'm frozen outside the gate, I get no points or tokens
like - I'm lv 86 parties are fun to run the event yay!
PL-Ghosts | SL-DL-AL- Ghost | SL-DL-AL-Octavos
Why was my old post deleted?
Why isn’t it possible to make the sure not disappear, what’s the point in trying your luck to get it with locks and plat.
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Monster claw forbidden for me? i didnt run event much because of searching monster claws did hundreds of sunken runs i saw many people dropped it. with both luck elixs i still cant. Whats wrong with claws drop rate
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Why 30 50 70 have extemely low gold loot that is usless and the lvl 10-20 set have insane gold loot that is even more useless for beginners cause map lvl 1 to 70 drop 10 gold per mob 300 from chest and 500-600 from bosses what is a gold loot set gonna even due and those drops rate i mentioned is with my 1150gl set
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I got 2 questions:
1. Is the crit damage of upgraded version of frostfire gem(eternal frostfire) stackable?(Can I get few eternal versions and do the crit damage stack?)
2. Can we get any visual effect of upgraded version of frostfire(the eternal frostfire)? Just like we had upgraded version of hailstone and it gave freezy hands look. Cool feature in my opinion(1 freezy hand+1 fire hand would look dope)
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+1, some fire/frost visual effect for frostfire gem would be really dope.
Can we have a different vanity on w2 in vanity locks. Frostfire set is droppin alot, no point of opening those for 3 weeks.
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Can u guys make monster claws can be purchased with plat? i texted this 12 hours ago still no luck
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I was about to make a post as well as I did close to 6 hours of elite Sanctuary of Secrets and absolutely nothing and I asked around and some said it dropped within 7 runs for them LOL. Finally after almost giving up, on the second day of trying it finally dropped for me in Elite Sunk map. It drops when you least expect it is all I can say. For me anyways, it was the hardest to loot out of all the items.
IGN: Kakashi <-Therapy-> -I am PVE!
Please increase the chance of the Monster Skull piece coming out, it is very difficult.
Please increase your chances of getting Snowsilver , i open 400 Frosfire chest and not take one .
Increase the drop of the snowsilver ingredient and give us 1 quest to get them, or put to vendor with platinum or other currency,not event tokens
Give more opportunity to those has crafted the snowstorm set last year to craft the new easier.
50 pieces of snowsilver for the set is way too much, and I don't want to imagine that may be a waste of time to make or use it.
Your new weapon name snowstorm gun not applying the 8/8 buff on snowstorm set.
Renamed it to winterforged and skipp the crafting process.
Last edited by Mitsooos; 12-18-2024 at 05:37 AM. Reason: Adding photo
Pretty chill
The first week was so bugged and ridiculous, no way I was going to get to plat tier. Week 2/3 aren’t even attractive. I personally hate wisps and don’t see getting one as a “prize”. So I’m done with this event. Either stop with the changes or give a choice in what we are running for.
I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.
increase drop rate of snowsilver!