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  1. #1
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    Default Grotto Map Bug

    Hello STS team,

    In the seasonal Grotto map, I've tested and it appears that there is a bug where our gold loot boosting sets don't work as intended. I've tested while using gold loot sets and just damage (non-gold) sets and earn very similar amounts of gold per 10mins/grotto ticket. After testing it appears that gold loot % sets do increase gold drops in the winter gauntlet and escort maps (gold rarely drops in escort, though). In years past I recall gold percentage sets definitely having an impact in grotto, so we assume this is a bug and it seems isolated to the grotto map.

    On a side note, it does appear that luck/reroll also never occurs in grotto, while luck does work in gauntlet/escort.

    Can you please take a look at grotto? Thank you!

  2. #2
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    It is very disheartening as a veteran player to see what the outcome of grotto has become, in recent years it was something players had looked forwards to during the Christmas event, however it seems to be the least farmed map out of all 3 now.

    With that being said, I find it upsetting that my max gold loot set which I paid a hefty amount of Gold for in the first place, has no effect in the grotto map at all!

    While I understand that nerfing grotto may be prevalent in todays economy, I don’t understand how disabling gold loot would help, rather I think it just creates a new problem. I don’t think hurting the players who grinded for higher gold loot sets helps..

  3. #3
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    Bet the luck must still work since its not a big issue at all. When it comes to gold loot, I think it's balance if this is the only way to get rid of botters. You can make use of gl sets in other non-wintet event dungeons. I do buy grotto elix for 250k-300k and Im getting 300k-400k+ per ticket + a drop chance from kill joy. I get it that they had to do it the same reason why they removed the 3days gold farming zone as a reward back then. The new grotto is now based on how fast you can clear the whole map and how many gold it drops.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
    [Subjects Of Ymir]

  4.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #4
    Spacetime Studios Dev Futumsh's Avatar
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    Not a bug, bonus gold loot is not available in the grotto.

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