Let us know what you think!
Preview thread for week 3 is located here.
Let us know what you think!
Preview thread for week 3 is located here.
Hey the wings are not dropping
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Last edited by asommers; 12-27-2024 at 02:59 PM. Reason: Removed original quoted text
Why mage always doesnt get any love? Look at the frostfire staff, its like a stick again. Can you please make it larger and more appealing like the daggers.
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The item description of winterforged weapon says it also has a chance for the hailstone freeze, while in the original preview it says all winterforged except the weapons have it. Which one is correct?
hi, is it possible to give claus wing a fly emote like other jetpack?, i feel like its really missing it
Thanks for this event, it's so easy since i dont get any useful drop from mobs i can just walk past them and let OP/pro players extrrminate themTYVVVVVVVM
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In the preview for winterforged weapons it says they don't have the hailstone freeze, while in the item description it says they do. Has anyone tested the weapons and can say whether they freeze or not?
Sir, I spent 322 dragon flamestone and didn't get any single one.. in the previous weeks, I spent even more at least got one piece of the gear. The drop rate in this week has been decreased either for an error or intentionally because I can ensure you that if I spend another 300 dragon flamestone, I would not get it. Now u said there are enough on auc? If that was the case, it should be at least claus wings for each of the class that ofc isn't case .
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The wings are for sure dropping, they are supposed to be rare, that set (claus 9000 ) is a super awesome well thought out set and should be treated as such.
I for one think this event is absolutely amazing. The week 1/2 LB rewards were okay, but i would like to get my hands on a cool vanity set. not pets or auras. but that's just my personal preference, im sure that there was thought behind not putting more Vanity sets out and getting more LB pets and auras and halos.
Also, the halo for week 2 and 3 were lacking very much. (for LB halos)
Thank you so much for all of the effort into this event. super fun overall 8/10
You can loot claus even if Ur not pla tier?
what happens with the exclusive leaderboard pets? are they really exclusive or are they gonna be available later on in eggzavier?
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Please fix frostfire wisp animation.. sometimes it bug and glitching (moving up and dissapear and then appear again.) make it more smooth animation like poison/firebug wisp
I love the event but it really is a challenge to get to plat with the time it takes for crafting energy. Love the frostfire wisp absolutly beautiful. Not a big fan of gingerbread because of the helm design. Pets look supercool also. Titles also nice